Posts Tagged: collaboration

Public engagement. Public empowerment.

My keynote from GOVIS 2009 – User Centred Government: More than meets the eye. Public engagement. Public empowerment. View more presentations from Stephen Collins. The GOVIS tag line is “Connect. Share. Learn.” So my first question is where is the conference wifi network for all of us to connect? It’s a must have for everyRead… Read more »

Semantic Technology Solutions for Gov 2.0: Citizen-Friendly and with Transparency, Opennes, and Collaboration

The Obama administration has set the goal of achieving and unprecedented level of openness, participation, transparency, and collaboration in government. This applies especially to the accessibility of government information and the tracking of stimulus expenditures. This presentation discusses ways that cloud computing, web 2.0, and web 3.0 semantic technologies can be used to deliver citizen-friendlyRead… Read more »

Three Collaboration Tools Everyone Should Know

Facebook, Twitter, Wikipedia, Flickr, IM: do these sound like foreign words? In the face of new social media and collaboration, getting in touch over the Internet has never been more complicated. With so many of these whiz-bang technologies out there, it can be especially frustrating to figure out which ones are worth learning about andRead… Read more »

Help the White House Sort Out!

Last week, Steve Ressler told you about an upcoming initiative to let the public shape the future of Building a portal where the public can monitor the dispersal of stimulus funds and progress of the economic recovery, transparently and in real time, is no easy feat. So, the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board, inRead… Read more »

The Open Government & Innovations Conference (OGI) Opens its Call for Participation

I attended eDemocracyCamp yesterday in DC. In his introductory remarks, Andrew Cohen tied recent Government 2.0 conferences back to President Obama’s January 2009 Transparency Memo nicely by saying: – TransparencyCamp was about transparency – Government 2.0 Camp was about collaboration – eDemocracyCamp is about participation OGI — the Open Government & Innovations conference — isRead… Read more »

Why Government should engage their community online

Republished from eGovAU. Crispin has published a post, Why (Government) Organisations Should be Engaging their Community Online, over at his Online Community Engagement blog providing eleven reasons why government should be engaging its community online. This is a nice piece and I thought I might add a few more that spring to my mind. GlobalRead… Read more »

Come on in the Waters Fine

We’re ten years into the greatest paradigm shift in information gathering since Gutenberg. The buzz words may be ‘long-tail’ or ‘small is the new big’, but the bottom line is access is in the hands of the consumer. Our customers, whoever and wherever they may be, can get what they want, when they want it.Read… Read more »

Is Australian egovernment innovation on life support?

Republished from eGovAU. I’ve been reading a post by James Dellow at his Chieftech blog, Using Twitter as a benchmark for Australian local government use of social media. He compared the 90 out of 468 (approx. 20%) UK councils using Twitter to the 3 out of 677 (less than 1%) Australian councils using the toolRead… Read more »