Posts Tagged: collaboration

eGovernment interoperability is a cultural, not a technical issue

Republished from eGovAU. This post from Oliver Bell’s OSRIN blog, eGovernment Interoperability Frameworks, time for a rethink?, served to crystalise thoughts that have been bouncing around in my head for awhile. Oliver contends that most of the technical standards for interoperability via the internet have been resolved, with commercial and citizen usage of the internetRead… Read more »

Role of cloud computing, web 2.0, and web 3.0 semantic technologies in an era of transparent, collaborative, connected governance?

Brand Niemann (EPA) and I recently organized a a one-day conference / workshop held in Washington, DC on February 17, 2009 on the role of information and communication technologies in an era of connected governance. This wiki page contains the program and all proceedings including presentations, videos, and handouts from the event: From E-Gov toRead… Read more »

New Virtual Community Created to Shape President’s Open Government Directive

On February 16th, a new government-wide community – the Open and Innovative Government Community – was created on the MAX Federal Community system to capture your ideas on how best to implement the President’s Memorandum on Transparency and Open Government. Over the next 100 days, the Open and Innovative Government Community will convene a seriesRead… Read more »

National Dialogue on Health IT and Privacy — Report now available!

From October 27th through November 3rd, 2008, over 3,000 interested citizens from across the United States and 80 foreign countries participated in a National Dialogue on Health IT and Privacy, hosted by the National Academy of Public Administration. Dialogue participants came together in this online forum to tackle the question: How should we expand theRead… Read more »

‘Even if you’re on the right track you’ll get run over if you just sit there.’ Will Rogers Here we are collaborating like mid-day mad-dogs and, as Katrina and the Waves said, ‘Don’t it Feel Good’. Pardon the buzzwords but, I think collaboration can become one of our core competencies. As we learn lessons andRead… Read more »

Free (or almost free) Collaboration Software

A few months ago I peeked at DimDim, the FREE, web-conferencing application targeting WebEx and Adobe Connect. In the intervening months, the developers have been a busy lot, adding features only found in high-end software e.g. host-transfer, recording, audio/video, MAC support, and integrated teleconferencing. We’ve seamlessly run training sessions with colleagues as far afield asRead… Read more »

Wiki Inspiration. Iteration. Collaboration.

I have been fortunate to have the immense honor of working with the Social Media Subcouncil of the Federal Web Managers Council over the past several weeks. And though I am *just* in State government, I am so inspired by the amazing people that I have “met” and collaborated with via Facebook, Twitter, GovLoop, andRead… Read more »

National Academy’s Collaboration Project: Top 3 Tech/Innovation Priorities for President Obama

President Obama has called for government to become more transparent, participatory, and collaborative. The National Academy’s Collaboration Project has issued a paper highlighting three priorities that the new President must focus on to make this vision a reality. The paper, Enabling Collaboration: Three Priorities for the New Administration, encourages the President to: Create an openRead… Read more »