How Incremental Work Helps Navigate Team Conflict
Disagreement within teams may be completely normal, but it doesn’t mean it’s easy.
Disagreement within teams may be completely normal, but it doesn’t mean it’s easy.
In adapting to the crisis, Colorado’s IT office has found itself in a position where it can accelerate its push for IT transformation because the crisis has already put transformation at the top of the agenda.
In 2020, Colorado’s Chief Data Officer, Jon Gottsegen, is balancing data privacy to protect residents and open data sharing to help agencies leverage information.
Colorado CIO’s one-year anniversary is nearing, and she had some success stories to share about 2019 as well as customer delight priorities and workforce plans for 2020.
Colorado emphasizes educating both their developers and non-developers about keeping application cyberthreats at bay.
The Colorado SIPA User Conference is an annual free event that brings together the biggest innovators and thinkers in Colorado government technology to talk about serving Colorado communities with technology.
In a world where there is literally nothing I cannot learn from my smartphone, I expect my government to be connected too. In doing this, it is important that governments continue to find the sweet spot between innovation and security without compromising accessibility and efficiency.
Theresa Szczurek, Colorado’s new Chief Information Officer, joined GovLoop for an interview to address how her state tackles concerns like cybersecurity, data governance and hiring and retaining IT talent.
Cities, counties and states are already leveraging the power of GIS to combat opioid crises in their communities. Read these two case studies to learn how.
We pick up the “CIO Conversations” series with Suma Nallapati, who as Colorado’s chief information officer is responsible for much of the state’s tech.