Posts Tagged: communication

Your Peg Channel is Dead (Sort of)

During the past 20 years, or so, as video technology has leapfrogged itself to the point where you can shoot a feature film on your phone, many local agencies began hiring communication specialists and video producers to come up with new and creative ways to get their message out. But, in many cases, the priorities… Read more »

4 Questions for Clear and Compassionate Communication

We all want to be heard and understood, especially in a difficult conversation. Ask yourself these four questions beforehand to help your message come across clearly and compassionately to the listener.

7 Simple Acts of Kindness for a Better Workplace

We know a workplace culture of kindness has the power to make our daily grind more meaningful and effective. But how do we get there? Here are some simple, practical ways we can show kindness to our colleagues and begin this ripple effect we all want to see at work.