Posts Tagged: communication

Everyone Lied: There IS an “I” In Team!

You have been living in a world of lies since kindergarten. From the time you thought paste was a member of the food pyramid, you were taught that there is no “I” in team. And while the spelling bee members of your team were correct — the letter I is not actually in the word — thoseRead… Read more »

Selecting Website Themes: A Guiding Framework

As I stated in Website Builder Platforms: Best Options for Small Businesses, I consider the WordPress content management system (which should not be confused with the platform) to be the best option for organizations that need to upgrade or build a website, especially if they want to be able to manage some content andRead… Read more »

Connecting with ITS

If you’re a regular reader of the ITS blog, you already know that we provide the government IT and acquisition communities with private-sector solutions for everything from simple IT commodities to complex infrastructure and emerging technology. Now, we’ve made it even easier for government buyers and our industry partners to get the information they need,… Read more »

5 Ways to Get More Out of your Committees

Are you an active participant on a committee or are you waiting to be spoon fed? IE are you contributing to the goal or just creating more work for the person who was assigned to hold the spoon? George, Sally, Henry, Heather, and Mike are all on an employee recognition committee.  Heather works in HRRead… Read more »

8 (Cold, Hard) Truths about Social Media

I am an idealist at heart, but I also pride myself on being a pragmatist and strive to provide guidance that enables individuals and organizations to achieve their goals and objectives in the most efficient and effective ways possible. When it comes to social and digital technologies in particular, although I do believe, I’m notRead… Read more »

What The Public Wants From a Government Twitter Account

I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that the average citizen feels like they don’t know what the hell is going on in Washington. I feel fairly confident in drawing this conclusion because every time, or nearly every time I talk to someone outside the Beltway they say something like thisRead… Read more »

Why Starbucks’ Race Together Campaign Should be Careful

Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz has asked employees at his 7,300 stores in the U.S. to voluntarily write #RaceTogether on their coffee cups of their customers as a window to talking about inclusion with his baristas. While he should be commended for his corporate responsibility to initiate conversations with customers on race relations, his approach addressesRead… Read more »

How To Deliver a Fearless Presentation

Presenting is no easy task, and causes many people serious anxiety. On Wednesday, GovLoop hosted a virtual training, “Ace Your Next Presentation: From Briefing the Boss to Rocking the Stage.” The two speakers, Lauree Ostrofsky, Chief Hugger and Coach at Simply Leap (a career and life coaching organization), and Dave Uejio, the Acting Deputy ChiefRead… Read more »