Posts Tagged: communication

FY 2014 Delivers Enterprise Growth in Wireless

As we all know, the explosion in demand for wireless and mobile services is continuing at a pace hard to keep up with. And with that popularity comes government’s continuing need to find ways to exploit those technologies while simultaneously saving money and increasing acquisition and operational efficiencies.

The Power of the Drip Part 1: Email Frequency and Timing

Drip marketing refers to an email strategy that sends a series of messages to an audience over time. Employing this method affects email frequency and timing. Because the focus is on syncing pre-planned messages with predictable audience actions or interests, the frequency/timing will vary from subscriber to subscriber.

What Gov & Taylor Swift Have in Common

Police dash cams are important for things such as transparency, security, and incident documentation/verification. You know what they’re also great for? Video evidence of cops belting out Taylor Swift tunes. In a time when police officers need all the good publicity they can get, the Dover, Delaware Police Department posted a video on their YouTubeRead… Read more »

What Kind of Attendee Are You?

When you attend an event, conference or meeting how do you act? What are you thinking about? How well do you know the subject matter when you arrive? What about when you leave? Why are you there? All of these factors play into what kind of attendee you are and how you best consume information. SimplyRead… Read more »

The Connect Effect

I spend roughly nine hours a day in front of my computer working — minus bathroom breaks, lunch, meetings and a little Internet surfing for “research purposes.” Eighty percent of my duties involve direct interaction with a keyboard, my Outlook email account and a Word document of some sort. I’m a communicator by profession. My jobRead… Read more »

11 Tips for A Kick-Butt Virtual Training

BORING! That’s the description I would give of most webinars or e-learning courses. The content is often tedious. The moderators like to impersonate Ben Stein’s vocal drone. And the slides decks are covered in text. What’s even the point of listening to a training if you could just read the slide deck? But virtual trainingsRead… Read more »