Ready, Set – GO! Create a Winning Email Subscriber Base
Starting out on the right foot with your audience is critical to earning their trust and securing your relationship with them.
Starting out on the right foot with your audience is critical to earning their trust and securing your relationship with them.
I spend roughly nine hours a day in front of my computer working — minus bathroom breaks, lunch, meetings and a little Internet surfing for “research purposes.” Eighty percent of my duties involve direct interaction with a keyboard, my Outlook email account and a Word document of some sort. I’m a communicator by profession. My jobRead… Read more »
BORING! That’s the description I would give of most webinars or e-learning courses. The content is often tedious. The moderators like to impersonate Ben Stein’s vocal drone. And the slides decks are covered in text. What’s even the point of listening to a training if you could just read the slide deck? But virtual trainingsRead… Read more »
Email has become a primary form of communication for business, yet there are still so many terrible examples flooding company inboxes every day: Meandering, imprecise missives that don’t seem to have a point. Email chains a mile long that somehow leave everyone with a differing opinion on the next course of action. (When they wereRead… Read more »
In football, the distance the kicker kicks the ball is irrelevant if he doesn’t aim for the field goal. The same goes for an email campaign. Establishing solid goals and developing a testing strategy comprise a winning game plan for an email campaign.
The holidays are over. Gifts have been opened, the eggnog is gone, relatives have packed up and headed out, and there’s just a faint dusting of pine needles left on your carpet. For the most part holidays are about the memories – and hopefully good ones – but more likely than not along with theRead… Read more »
If you set only one professional new year’s resolution, consider making it this: to improve your organization’s email effectiveness as early as Q2 2015. Whether you’re new to the world of email marketing or a seasoned professional, whether email is a small part of your job description or you run a team dedicated to email… Read more »
ODEP has launched more than seven citizen engagement campaigns treating a number of subjects and created a format for success that includes seven steps and a four-week public dialogue.
Imagine knowing that you are not the person that others seem to think you are. A true impostor. Like Ravi Desai, who persuaded via e-mail that he was actually “Robert Klingler”, “North American head of BMW”. Slate published two articles by “Klingler” before alert readers pointed out that they could find no references toRead… Read more »
With the Holidays around the corner, I’m sure most of you already know which family members or in-laws to avoid at the dinner table. You don’t want another political lecture from Uncle Ned, do you? If you’d avoid it at a family party, skipping over controversial topics at the workplace may seem to like aRead… Read more »