Posts Tagged: communication

5 Phrases To Cut From Your Emails

Email has become a primary form of communication for business, yet there are still so many terrible examples flooding company inboxes every day: Meandering, imprecise missives that don’t seem to have a point. Email chains a mile long that somehow leave everyone with a differing opinion on the next course of action. (When they wereRead… Read more »

Impostor – What If You Feel Like It’s You?

Imagine knowing that you are not the person that others seem to think you are. A true impostor. Like Ravi Desai, who persuaded via e-mail that he was actually “Robert Klingler”, “North American head of BMW”. Slate published two articles by “Klingler” before alert readers pointed out that they could find no references toRead… Read more »

Only Lawyers To Prosper After Epic IT Failure

What’s an early clue that your IT project is in trouble? Perhaps when “a group of … employees took a 60-day ‘retreat’ for the express purpose of articulating the project’s requirements, and they returned empty-handed”?[1] Or when you learned that critical project-related decisions were “going to be made by a group of inexperienced people, whoRead… Read more »

Connecting Through the HUD Switchboard

Switchboard’s mission is to provide HUD’s citizens, stakeholders, and staff with the tools and channels necessary to interact meaningfully with their government in the following ways: By welcoming and encouraging creative ideation to improve HUD’s programs, policies, and operations, and engaging those interested in the process of putting those ideas into action; By creating avenues of feedback for individuals or organizationsRead… Read more »