Posts Tagged: communication

How’s Your Work-Life Balance in Today’s Digital/Mobile World?

Today’s increasing reliance on new and evolving information technology in employment has given new meaning to the term work-life balance. That’s because the 21st century proliferation of digital/mobile IT tools to do our jobs is radically transforming how and when we work in fundamental ways. The question now is whether the transition to the virtualRead… Read more »

What’s After Facebook?

Nextdoor (city link) is a promising alternative web-based communications opportunity for local governments and other agencies with physically localized or contiguous client populations. Where Facebook taught us to talk to people all over the world who we will never meet, Nextdoor is re-training us to talk to our neighbors. Nextdoor operates by neighborhoods, and youRead… Read more »

So what did Govcamp ever do for us?

Its easy to pick holes in most things and I am pretty good at doing it myself. Indeed it is also easy to find fault with Govcamp and the unconference format; and I can certainly see some things we can improve on regarding organising the event. However that does sound a bit odd ‘organising anRead… Read more »

Government’s Communication Challenge or Opportunity?

By Megan Bensatte Communicating with the Public: A challenge for government If you work in government communications, you know that we often have a hard time getting our message across to the masses. While our concepts start off simple enough, the end product is weighed down with technical jargon, lawyer-like speak and far too manyRead… Read more »

Leading a Team to Perform

There are few jobs today that allow a person to work autonomously. Certainly in government there are many examples of jobs that are interdependent. Even at its most basic level, the branches of government must work together to pass a bill into law. Teams are important. As important as teamwork is in government and businessRead… Read more »

Picking out the bright spots in the Best Places to Work Survey – plus your weekend reads!

We get it, the numbers from the latest Best Places to Work in the federal government are grim. Government wide satisfaction is down to 57% the lowest score in the 10 year history of the survey. It is hard to work for the government right now. But there were some bright spots. Despite some reallyRead… Read more »

Best Places to Work Numbers Are Out – How Can Gov Get Its Mojo Back?

The 2013 Best Places to Work data present a disturbing picture of federal employees throughout the government who are increasingly dissatisfied with their jobs and workplaces. Government-wide, the federal employee job satisfaction and commitment level dropped for the third year in a row, tumbling 3 points to a score of 57.8 on a scale ofRead… Read more »

Tips, Tricks and Techniques for Having Fun and Becoming More Effective When Doing Impromptu Public Speaking

On Thursday, November 21, SPICE Toastmasters heard from a dynamic speaker — 2013 District 27 Table Topics Winner Clarence Featherson! Our Toastmaster of the Day kicked off this special meeting with the pledge of allegiance, mission statement, word of the day, and inspirational quote. Word of the Day: Cogent – Convincing or believable Inspirational Quote:Read… Read more »