Posts Tagged: communication

NASA: LADEE Probe’s Laser Hits 622 Mbps of Data Speed

An experimental communication system on board a NASA lunar probe has used laser pulses to send data back to Earth at speeds of up to 622 megabits per second. The Lunar Laser Communication Demonstration system also works to transmit data at 20 Mbps between a ground station located in New Mexico and the spacecraft inRead… Read more » – 3 Tips for Improvement with Clay Johnson

Last Tuesday the Obama Administration unveiled Affordable Care Act mandated the Department of Health and Human Services to build an online exchange, or Internet store, to let uninsured consumers compare and buy plans offered by private insurance companies. But almost immediately problems started to pop up. The website was overwhelmed by up to fiveRead… Read more »

Four Approaches to Crowdsourcing

Is this a Golden Age for citizen involvement in government? As dismayed as some may be with the political process, there are growing opportunities for meaningful engagement in many areas, thanks to growing social media tools and a willingness to participate by many ordinary people. Gavin Newscom is California’s lieutenant governor, and was formerly theRead… Read more »

Lessons from the Best #Government Twitters

In April, NASA received its second consecutive Shorty Award for the best government use of social media. The Shorty Awards is an annual crowdsourced contest honoring the best in social media across the globe. The organizations and individual recognized utilize Twitter, Facebook, Google+, Instagram and other outlets in interesting and inventive ways. NASA uses almostRead… Read more »

Mythbusting in Action – Communications and Their Value

The July 2013 edition of Contract Management magazine, published by the National Contract Management Association (NCMA), included an encouraging article on how communications between government and industry not only can improve outcomes and business relationships, but also show positive results to improve requirements and the opportunities for better outcomes overall. The article, “MythBusting – CommunicationsRead… Read more »

Institutionalizing MythBusters: The Need for Better Industry and Government Collaboration

Last week, the American Council for Technology and Industry Advisory Council (ACT-IAC) conducted their inaugural 2013 Mythbusting Awards to three Federal agencies for their work in improving vendor communications in the acquisition process. The program also contained a forum on Mythbusting, in addition to breakout sessions on various MythBusters issues related to the previous memosRead… Read more »

Regulating Risk

As some may have already read elsewhere, Tim Samaras, along with his son Paul Samaras and colleague Carl Young, were among the at least 13 confirmed fatalities of an EF-3 Tornado that struck El Reno, OK on Friday, May 31st. Tim was a well-respected member of the storm chasing community lauded for his outreach effortsRead… Read more »

What’s Your Office Doing For Public Service Recognition Week? Anything?

Sunday marks the official start to the Congressionally recognized Public Service Recognition Week. The annual celebration of federal employees and the work they do. This year feds face an austere budget climate, low employee morale and dissatisfied constituents. So PSRW is a nice break, to take a step back and say thank you. Tom FoxRead… Read more »