Posts Tagged: communication

#OpenGovernment: How Open is too Open?

In the wake of the Open Government Directive issued by President Obama in December of 2009, agencies have been working to take specific actions to implement the principles of transparency, participation, and collaboration. However, do we want our National Security Agency (NSA) being transparent about all of their defense tactics and cyber plans? Does sharingRead… Read more »

Non-Emergency 311 Centers Can Save Lives

When disasters strike towns and cities, 911 centers quickly become inundated with calls beyond those that are truly life-threatening situations. The result is that emergency response is delayed which can sometimes lead to deadly consequences. A case in point is a story in the New York Post about how New York City’s 911 center wasRead… Read more »

The Cure for Social Media Pitfalls – 5 Guidelines for Getting Recognized

With the constant barrage of social media status updates and endless marketing ploys that rage around you, how can you ensure you are heard above all the static? How can you use social media to effectively communicate your image and message? Last week I discussed a few social media personalities that drive me crazy. ThisRead… Read more »

What’s the role of digital privacy in the Petraeus scandal? Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: 4 years in any technology cycle is a lifetime. Think about this – 4 years ago BYOD wasn’t even a possibility and tablets still seemed like a dream. So how can the government keep up? And more importantly how can the government utilize the latest and greatest technology to support itsRead… Read more » Award Winning Site Increases Accessibility and Expands Audience

As citizens continue to move away from desktops to mobile technologies, it becomes increasingly important for developers to consider how their site design will appear not only on desktops and laptops, but tablets, smartphones, and other mobile devices. Additionally, investing significant resources in website design may be seen as investing in obsolete technology, with soRead… Read more »

President Obama Addresses the Nation on Hurricane Response Efforts

Just now, the President addressed the nation to discuss the preparations underway for Hurricane Sandy. The emphasis on coordination between federal, state, and local government in his address highlighted the progress that has been made in emergency response. The President also noted that he has been in communication with Governors of all affected states, andRead… Read more »

Get Past the Partisan Talk — How Career Feds Should Be Prepping for Transition

Did you tune-in to last night’s debates? Record numbers of you took to twitter. But career feds were still left in the dark for specifics on what a second-term Obama administration or a Romney-Ryan ticket would actually look like. Would there be a workforce overhaul? What initiatives would be started right out the gate? WhoRead… Read more »

Memos to National Leaders: Transition Prep, Political Appointees Confirmations and More

We are less than three weeks from the election. So the big question now, is what’s next? What happens after the new president is elected? How should career feds handle the transition. The National Academy of Public Administration (NAPA) and the American Society for Public Administration (ASPA) have tried to answer some of those questions.Read… Read more »

Are You Really Hiring the Best? It’s National Disability Employment Awareness Month. Plus your Weekend Reads

Welcome to GovLoop Insights Issue of the Week with Chris Dorobek where each week, our goal is to find an issue — a person — an idea — then helped define the past 7-days and we work to find an issue that will also will have an impact on the days, weeks and months ahead.Read… Read more »

Saving lives through collaboration and crowdsourcing — Labor Panel Part 3

Black Lung: it’s a common condition miners contract after years of working miles below the earth’s surface. The government set up a program to help, it’s called the Black Lung Grantee Program. But there was a problem — the miners weren’t interested in participating. So the Grantee Program got to work on a solution. TheyRead… Read more »