Posts Tagged: communication

Debate 1 Done, What Did We Learn? – Plus DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: De-mystifying big data. We got myth-busting with a state and local government guru. Click here for the full recap. Did you know that the federal government funds more than 80 programs that gives transportation assistance to low income families, seniors, children and people with disabilities? That’s a lot of programsRead… Read more »

United We Ride — Streamlining Transportation with Inter-Agency Collaboration

Did you know that the federal government funds more than 80 programs that gives transportation assistance to low income families, seniors, children and people with disabilities? That’s a lot of programs for the public to navigate and the government to keep track of. In 2004, President Bush signed an Executive Order to address the problem.Read… Read more »

IdeaFactory – Does crowdsourcing ideas work? Take a look at TSA’s program – Part 2

We’ve probably all seen Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. The movie showcases imagination, creativity and the freedom to try new things and experiment. That’s the same idea as the TSA’s IdeaFactory. The 5-year-old program was one of the first true government 2.0 technologies. Megan Kenny is the Acting Program Manager for the Office of TrainingRead… Read more »

How Do I Fit In?

“Do you have any advice for how I can build those skills?” asked a wonderfully talented and intelligent young man earlier this week. “… relating to people. I’m more of a quiet and independent person. I’m not the life of the party.” I raised my eyebrow and struggled to hold back the surprise I feltRead… Read more »

Tweeting Disease — How MappyHealth Predicts Outbreaks

Can Twitter predict disease outbreaks? That’s the question the makers behind MappyHealth wanted to discover. MappyHealth mines twitter data looking for health term trends. The app tracks disease terms and associated qualifiers to present these social trends. Brian Norris is the Co-Founder of MappyHealth. He told Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINSIDER program that, “we haveRead… Read more »

Is Leadership Success A Shot in the Dark?

Want to make your organization successful? Simple, employ strong and consistent leadership. But how do you actually do that? Tom Fox is the Vice President for Leadership and Innovation at the Partnership for Public Service. Tom told Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINSIDER program that government leadership success still lags behind the public sector. Can YouRead… Read more »

Skills Gap? Why unemployment remains high despite available jobs

12.5 million Americans are currently unemployed. But there are also a record number of jobs that need to be filled. What’s the disconnect? Bill Eggers is the Director of Public Sector Research for Deloitte. He’s compiled a new report that looks at the problem, “Brawn from Brains, Talent Policy and the Future of American Competitiveness.”Read… Read more »

Rules Baytus

The term for someone fascinated with rules, not changing outcomes, obsessing over imagined possible violations. A spectator at life. Their work product is a shifting, unprioritized list of what could go wrong, real and imagined. It’s a task that doesn’t ever need to end, a full time occupation without effort. I was playing in aRead… Read more »

How to give and receive feedback — it’s not as easy as you think

The dreaded 360 degree review — it’s the one time of year many of you get feedback from your leaders. But maybe that’s the problem? “It shouldn’t be a once or twice a year event,” said Tom Fox, “you need to give feedback in real time so that employees can actually alter their behavior.” FoxRead… Read more »