Posts Tagged: communication

Congress returns and the White House misses sequestration deadline — DorobekINSIDER stories you need to know

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Within hours after the nation’s deadliest tornado in nearly 60 years ripped through Joplin, Missouri, the first team of AmeriCorps members arrived on the scene to lend a helping hand. You’ll meet the women leading the charge. Click here for the full recap. Securing your mobile device — it’s not justRead… Read more »

Disaster Intervention Strategy: A Team Effort with local, state, federal and NGOs

Just hours after the Joplin tornado tore through Joplin, Missouri, an experienced team of Americorps and Senior Corps arrived in the devastated town and began relief efforts. Within three days, the Americorps and Senior Corps team had reached 200; by one month: 300. These members were crucial in directing and managing the 60,000 volunteers thatRead… Read more »

Innovative Idea of the Week: CivicPlus and your weekend reads

Busy week here on the DorobekINSIDER: E-government — the term has been evolving for years and it is increasingly key to how agencies accomplish their mission. But there aren’t universal best practices. Now there’s a new book out on the issue. We heard from the author. It’s been a rough few months for federal employees.Read… Read more »

Is legislative transparency stuck in 1995?

“Thomas was and continues to be at the cutting edge for government transparency for 1995,” that’s the accusation from Daniel Schuman a policy council at the Sunlight Foundation. Thomas provides the public access to basic legislative information like bills, resolutions and committee hearings. Basically, Thomas was opening up government before transparency was cool. But whileRead… Read more »

One week to NAGW! Can’t wait.

In just one week, I’m heading to NAGW’s 10th National Conference, which begins Wednesday, September 12 in Kansas City. I can’t wait. I always come back so fired up, and full of new ideas. If you’re like me, and want to get the most out of the conference, you’ll attend a couple of pre-conference sessionsRead… Read more »

Jobs only the government can do — Federal Success Stories

It’s been a rough few months for federal employees, political season, conference scandals and budget cuts will do that. But there were some shining spots for some feds this summer. It really was the summer for exceptional federal success stories. Successes that Tom Fox, the Vice President for Leadership and Innovation at PPS, says onlyRead… Read more »

Shout out to Award-winning NAGW Board members

I’ve learned a lot from NAGW members. That’s actually an understatement. I’ve learned almost everything I know about web design, HTML, CSS, standards, policies, and productivity enhancing tools from NAGW members. The things these folks produce never cease to amaze me and always give me ideas and inspiration. So, I’d like to send a shoutRead… Read more »

Exploiting Big Data — How to make the most out of your investment

Before we can talk about making the most of big data — you have to define it. And it seem these days everyone has their own interpretation of big data. Eric Sweden is the Program Director for Enterprise Architecture & Governance at the National Association of State Chief Information Officers (NASCIO). For Eric, “big dataRead… Read more »