Posts Tagged: communication

Are you overwhelmed?

We’re in public service and that means getting the word out about the goings-on in government to the broadest reach possible. A few years ago we were webmasters. Today, we’re webmasters, digital media providers, social media managers, content managers, information architects, editors, and more. Today, we have to put information everywhere: on the web andRead… Read more »

An AIDS Free Generation — How one Sammies Finalist is making it happen

In the 1980s, an AIDS diagnosis was considered a death sentence. Even more troubling was the number of children who contracted the disease from their mother. But thanks in part to the work of Dr. Lynne Mofenson, future generations won’t have to worry about being born with HIV or AIDS. She pioneered a clinical trialRead… Read more »

Dorobek Dose: Meet the NIH scientist helping to end pediatric AIDS — Sammies Finalist

Happy Thursday — Chris Dorobek is off this week. So I will be filling in. We are going to do the show a bit differently. Each day we will feature a Dose of Dorobek — a shorter five minute interview that focuses on helping you do your job better and tips for navigating around GovLoop.Read… Read more »

Could millennials actually SAVE the workforce?

As a millennial myself we’ve heard it all before: we are the entitled, spoiled and self-serving generation. Gen-Y is the youngsters typically born between 1982-1999. But could we also be the workplace savior? Maybe so says Emily Matcher. She is a freelance writer for the Washington Post. She’s written an article outlining how this “pampered”Read… Read more »

Contractors and Procurement Officials: Customer Service Is A Two Way Street

There seems to be a development that is coming more and more to the forefront: the case of the out-of-control Contracting Officer (KO). There are usually two paths to interactions with a KO, one being the KO who is overwhelmed with the workload, doing the best they can to handle it, and simply have veryRead… Read more »

Six Challenges Consuming Federal Agencies And How To Overcome Them

Government agencies are being confronted with a multitude of challenges that are forcing leadership to make some drastic changes. Decreased budgets, increasing workloads, and high turn-over are just a few hurdles that agency leaders have to overcome as they struggle to improve the general consensus of working for the federal government. Earlier this year, fifty-fiveRead… Read more »