Posts Tagged: communication

Up for (Your) Discussion: Themes for the Year

The Code for America model puts questions first, coding later. So if you were to ask us what the fellows will build, or the Brigade deploy, or the Accelerator start up — we honestly couldn’t say. This makes the task of weaving together common threads sometimes difficult. As our Government Relations Director mentioned last week,Read… Read more »


“If you don’t measure it, you can’t improve it.” On of the first-order axioms of management, and a mantra of spreadsheet jockeys everywhere. Benchmarking. Balanced Scorecard. SEO. What do they have in common – they are indirect measures of effectiveness. For an artist, which is more important – the tack hammer or the paint brush?Read… Read more »

Edelman Trust Barometer Results: Worry or Opportunity?

By now, most government communicators have probably seen the Edelman Trust Barometer summaries that keep highlighting that trust in government fell once again. This sounds really terrible for those of us who communicate for the government, but looking deeper into the report shows that this is actually an opportunity for us rather than a problem.Read… Read more »

30 Random Great Ideas

NAGC is already prepping for its 2012 Communications School, June 5-8 at the Sheraton National Hotel in Arlington, VA. This year’s theme is “Telling America’s Stories” and we’ll be doing just that with an informative and exciting schedule of topics and speakers. In addition, we’ll be launching the new NAGC Member Value Program (MVP), aRead… Read more »

Understanding what’s happening with UK Government Digital

I was trawling through old posts last night and came across Nick Halliday’s post on blogs he had been asked to suggest were included on govloop. His suggestions were as follows: Steph Gray – Helpful technology – essential – Dave Briggs – Davepress – essential – Carl Haggerty – Carl’s Notepad – StefanRead… Read more »

Successful Project Managers are Great Listeners

“Ninety percent of a project manager’s work is communication.” You have probably seen this commonly quoted statistic but what you don’t see is a statistic that tells you how much of the 90% is devoted to listening. Why is that important? Because, poor communication is at least one of the three causes for failed projects.Read… Read more »

Must A Leader be Brave?

We have an image of leaders – whether it is John Wayne leading a charge in combat, or JFK declaring to the world the USA will put a man on the moon by the end of that decade, or Steve Jobs radically changing established market segments like music, telecom, and computers with new technology. Traditionally,Read… Read more »