KISS: Keep it Simple, Silly
By keeping your delivery simple and your audience in mind, you will get much further at achieving your goal than if you try to outsmart everyone in the room.
By keeping your delivery simple and your audience in mind, you will get much further at achieving your goal than if you try to outsmart everyone in the room.
Effective communication for all levels of an organization is an important skill to develop for the success of any agency and its employees.
As the coronavirus spreads, so too has false and malicious content — putting many governments in an uphill battle to connect people with the truth they need.
Miscommunication is the starting point for most all disagreements. How do we move past that?
Effective communication is the glue that holds government agency missions and service delivery together. Learn how you agency can improve its communication.
What tactics have you incorporated to improve your public speaking or presentation skills? Here are a few I learned.
Here are some of the reasons that stories have incredible staying power in our lives.
It’s tough to say no even when we know we should. If you want to become better at saying no, try some of these tips:
Leaf collection is a city service that doesn’t always go as planned.
Don’t let ego get in the way of clear communication–yours OR theirs. Writers and editors are subject matter experts, too!