Posts Tagged: communication

Are you a new media player or traditional media wonk?

If you are performing tradition news distribution and out reach are you missing the mark on current media trends and reaching your target audiences for more effective results. Are you reaching your public facing audiences? Is sending out a traditional press release your only distribtution strategy? Read more on some of current trends I copiedRead… Read more »

6am. No power. No social media and schools open

Today an explosion at the power plant took out power around 6 am. No phones, no lights, no internet, no tv, no tweets (my cell phone does not have internet access). Hearing “explosion at power plant” gave the impression of days, not hours of darkness. One long swath from Elizabeth N.C. through Chesapeake VA wasRead… Read more »

Coaching for Language, Communication, and Accent

Everyone who works in government who works with written materials knows that every sentence is supposed to have a period at the end. All of those people know (or do they?) that sentences in general are supposed to be short and to the point. KISS is an old writing thing that means ‘Keep It ShortRead… Read more »

Better Government Communication in the Social Networking World

Incidents like the TSA’s implementation of pat-downs and the Federal government’s response to the Gulf Oil Spill demonstrates that the current methods of government communication aren’t working as well as they did in the past. It used to be that citizens would get most of their information from network news shows, major national magazines andRead… Read more »

Honest Communication: The Unconscious Signals Behind Our Words

Have you ever had the experience of talking to someone and you start to feel that person is saying one thing but means another? Have you arrived at work in a bad mood and noticed that everyone else suddenly seems to be developing the same bad mood? What you are experiencing is the powerful effectsRead… Read more »

“If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all”

Mom always said, “If you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all” She didn’t mean that we couldn’t disagree, discipline or even tell the truth – but there is a way to communicate that isn’t derogatory, hurtful or intentionally inflammatory. The sarcasm or brutal honesty characterized by The Simpsons or American Idol, isRead… Read more »

Changecasting: A Better Way to Communicate Change?

In the last twenty years, I’ve probably read hundreds of books and articles on organizational change. My dissertation was a case study of a major organizational change. In all that time and all that I read, I found very little that dealt with how to best communicate a vision for change. The advice was mostlyRead… Read more »

A few of my notes from the Adobe Government Assembly (or “What I learned from David Plouffe”)

Yesterday, I attended the Adobe Government Assembly at the Reagan building. This was my second #govtassembly. I took 2 1/2 pages of notes from the afternoon keynote by David Plouffe, author of “The Audacity to Win” and Campaign Manager, Obama for President 2008. I thought I’d put some of my notes here so that youRead… Read more »

Appropriate Use of Communication Mediums

Approrpriate Use of Communication Mediums at Work Information Greatly Appreciated I have created a chart on the appropriate use of communication mediums in the workplace for my next book Workplace Savvy. Need to validate the information I have already collected. Questions What work situations are appropriate for the use of the following mediums? What doRead… Read more »