Posts Tagged: communication

Does Diversity Help Baseball Teams Win Games? Rutgers-Camden Management Scholar Seeks an Answer

A recent Rutgers research study has identified a new twist in the science behind diversity. Researchers have determined based on analysis of Major League baseball demographic data that winning baseball teams have what are known as “demographic faultlines”. In my Diversity2.0 language these are known as “cliques.” What the researchers found was that to attractRead… Read more »

Are you engaging bloggers in your media mix?

Republished from eGov AU. No-one really knows how many blogs are operated by Australians. However it could be up to 4 million, if you refer to Technorati’s State of the Blogosphere report 2008, which reported that 3% of global bloggers were Australian and over 133 million blogs had been created since 2002. Likewise Forrester’s GroundswellRead… Read more »

eGovernment Resource Centre launches eGovernment Forum

Republished from eGov AU. Victoria’s eGovernment Resource Centre has launched an eGovernment Forum to support the online discussion of eGovernment topics by Australian public servants and interested parties. At discussed at the site, the eGovernment Forum invites, open participation and diverse viewpoints to be shared with others relevant to the topic of eGovernment, Government 2.0,Read… Read more »

Transforming Conflict: Replacing Blaming “You”s with Tactfully Assertive “I”s

During a Practice Safe Stress and Team Building workshop for legal assistants and support staff of a major law firm, a paralegal, with an edge in his voice, recalled a frustrating encounter with one of the firm’s partners. Apparently, misinformation or a misunderstanding led to a project being mishandled and an important deadline being missed.Read… Read more »

Bridging Cultural Diversity through Multiple Intelligence, Conflict Styles and Interactive 4 “H” — Healing, Humanizing- High-Performing and Harmonizing — Humor

Wanted to share a new program. Feel free to share/pitch to others, etc. Over the years, I’ve heard some complaints about cultural diversity programs too often turning into prickly or preachy affairs. Of course, this is a sensitive topic. Thought it was time for a very different approach. Any comments are appreciated. Mark ————— BridgingRead… Read more »

Confronting Prejudicial Comments in the Workplace

The same day that the right wing terrorist invaded the Holocaust Museum in Washington, DC and killed a security guard, my girl friend encountered a much more prosaic form of anti-Semitism. And while her experience was not in any way life-threatening, nonetheless her casual if not commonplace encounter merits documentation and its expression deserves confrontation.Read… Read more »

The Four “R”s for a PROductive Relationship: Be Respectful, Real, Responsible and Responsive

The Four “R”s for a PROductive Relationship: The Stress Doc presents a four step, “Four ‘R’” communicational guide for building successful “give and take” professional relationships. The Four “R”s are dramatically illustrated in his recent encounter with an ENT surgeon. Many of us “Boomers” grew up with an alliterative academic mantra as educational foundation, thatRead… Read more »

Citizen 2.0 – how would a government department address this marketing nightmare?

Republished from eGov AU. Over the last week US media has been buzzing with the story of Canadian musician Dave Carroll, whose US$3,500 Taylor guitar was broken on a flight on United Airlines. Carroll reported that people on the plane had watched with horror as United baggage handlers had roughly handled and thrown his andRead… Read more »

Sharing the World Sisterhood III – Leadership Conference 2009 | Seeking Philanthropic Grantmakers | Seed | Grants-in-aid | Gift | Tax-deductible Contributions

From the Washington Business Examiner by Donna L. Quesinberry RE: FUTURE Sharing the World Sisterhood III – 2009 Leadership Conference FUTURE (Families United Toward Universal Respect) is a non-profit, 501(c)(3) that supports women in developing third world countries and teaches them a strong organizational model based on volunteerism that promotes self-reliance, networking and family unity.Read… Read more »

21 Ways to Enhance Employee Communications ©

by Rick Alcantara 1. Communicate your mission, vision and values 2. Align your actions with your words 3. Create and regularly update your communication plan 4. Use communication channels that employees use and trust 5. Deliver relevant communications 6. Leverage technology 7. Create tailored communication for each internal audience, especially new employees 8. Inform yourRead… Read more »