Posts Tagged: community

Updating Website (Govloop Community, Please Provide Input For Ideas!)

Hello Govlooper’s- Iowa Community Education Association is looking to add to the website. We would like a website that attracts new traffic, keeps traffic (both new and old) on the site (going from page to page and not exiting on the first page visited), and want to keep site viewers to revisit the website. ByRead… Read more »

Invitation to Govloop Members : Survey Australian Gov 2.0 Open Declaration

Hi Govloop Colleagues and Friends – I’d like to invite you to take part in our survey on open government. As we ar all active in this space I think doing a survey like this makes sense. Read on. I posted some thoughts around advocacy on OZloop. Probably because while we are all advocates ofRead… Read more »

Modern Communities – No Longer Exclusive Clubs

I’ve been thinking a lot about the idea of community and how this applies to the digital world. It is something that a lot of people talk about, but I fear it is from learning the buzz words instead of from real understanding. The concept of a community is not new. In fact it isRead… Read more »

On Birth and Extintion of Digital Ecosystems

Our increasing participatory and interactive behavior in the Internet is evolving at such speed that our metamorphosis into digital species feels like it is happening overnight. We are collectively developing all sorts of digital ecosystems and new market laws where things are moving so fast that marketers have little time to find out what areRead… Read more »

Building a Wiki Community: Moderating Contributions

A few weeks ago, a member of the Whorunsgov community contributed some valuable information to the profile of Douglas Evans Coe, a leader in “The Fellowship.” This contributor did a great thing by trying to help us all know more about Mr. Coe, and even provided a source. But there was one problem: The sourceRead… Read more »

Gov 2.0 and Citizen 2.0 in Central and Eastern Europe

Hi everyone, I just wonder if anyone met examples of web 2.0 in government use or in citizen activity in Central and Eastern Europe. Currently I am doing research “Citizen speak out” about experience of CEE societies in new media use for citizen communication, interaction, mobilisation etc. I didn’t find yet good examples although socialRead… Read more »

Building a Wiki Community: Helping the Timid Contributor

An email we see daily at Whorunsgov often comes from a reader suggesting an addition or change to a profile. While emails like this often mention valid changes, the reader could have made the change directly in the profile without informing us first. The strange part about these emails; after we suggest the readers makeRead… Read more »

The myth of engaging with everyone

When I talk to people about the possibilities of engaging with people online, using social technology, I often get questioned about the numbers issue. Stuff like: How many people in our area actually use Twitter? What about people who don’t have web access? What do we do about people who don’t like using the internetRead… Read more »

Updates on Recent and Upcoming Performance Management Events

It’s been a little while, but I have a few upcoming posts on performance management. In the meantime, here are a few upcoming events that are of relevance in the government performance management realm: The Community Indicators Consortium (CIC) holds its international conference in Bellevue, Washington this year on Oct 1-2. CIC is a greatRead… Read more »

Doing it, DIO Style

Warranting a mini-post, Scott Heiferman of MeetUp fame just rocked the Rapid Fire session at the Gov 2.0 Summit. In short: Do It Ourselves – Do it DIO style Use the net to get off the net Build sustainable, built-to-last groups Have people with Roles, not people as audience alone Spark C2C – Do itRead… Read more »