Is Being a Supervisor Right for You?
If you have not yet considered whether or not you are supervisory material, reflect inward. Ask yourself why or why not. Challenge yourself to grow.
If you have not yet considered whether or not you are supervisory material, reflect inward. Ask yourself why or why not. Challenge yourself to grow.
A veteran corporate executive search recruiter says experience and competencies aren’t as important as “potential” when hiring or promoting people to the top job. How would this approach play when picking leaders to head government agencies? Claudio Fernández-Aráoz, a veteran corporate executive search recruiter, shares his approach for talent spotting for senior executives in anRead… Read more »
A well-designed leadership development program is essential to identifying, attracting, filling, and retaining employee leadership. By using a consistent talent management program at all levels across the organization, future leaders are developed fruitfully. Leadership programs truly shape the success of business processes like hiring strategies, employee development, and career succession planning. Did you know thatRead… Read more »
Public Service Recognition Week recognizes a lot of hidden talent across the government. But is that talent always available when the government needs it? Sometimes, it is. Coast Guard Admiral Thad Allen was superb at handling big, complex challenges that reach across agency boundaries. He led the evacuation of lower Manhattan during 9/11. He tookRead… Read more »
Greetings You’d have great insight and experience I could use and hope you can assist… I am seeking Human Resource Managers (or those working in that capacity) who are working in (or have worked in) the Government Contracting Industry (not considered Government Service [GS]) for at least five years to participate in my Ph.D. DissertationRead… Read more »