Posts Tagged: compliance

FOSE 2011, plus ECM’s Benefits To Your Agency

Last week as I walked the exhibition hall at FOSE 2011, I was amazed at how much innovation is aimed at making our United States Government (the greatest in the world) even better. I had some great conversations with government employees, consultants, and vendors who are trying hard to make agencies more efficient, more effective-inRead… Read more »

EEO/OFCCP Compliance: The Elephant in the Human Resource Department

Why are employers, HR Departments and recruiting software engineers so concerned with EEO/OFCCP compliance data? And why is everyone making such a big deal about it? They’ve done their research. They know that in 2009 the EEOC reported that 93,277 workplace discrimination charges were filed with the agency. That’s an average of nearly 256 claimsRead… Read more »

Making Mobile Gov: Discuss Legal & Compliance

We’re back with Challenge #4 after our fireworks filled weekend. Today’s mobile gov discussion is about compliance and legal issues. Mobile projects–like everything we do–need to comply with federal laws and regulations like terms of service, records management, accessibility, executive orders, COPPA, endorsement, intellectual property, etc. These rules are not new. What is new isRead… Read more »

How to Choose Recruiting Software to Ensure OFCCP Compliance

Starting May 2006, the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) has been enforcing a monumental ruling that set specific regulations on the collection, storage and reporting of Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) data for Internet applicants. It also defines Internet applicants, identifies electronic data collection methods, creates basic qualification standards and establishes record keeping requirementsRead… Read more »

Is Social Recruiting a Growing Hotbed for OFCCP Claims? recently published a very informative article titled “Social Networks: A New Hotbed for Hiring Discrimination Claims.” The article gives a comprehensive perspective into the world of corporate recruiting, particularly how recruiters are using social networks more and more to evaluate potential hires. Social networks like Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter give recruiters and hiring managersRead… Read more »

A-133 Compliance Supplement Is Here!

Finally, the Office of Management and Budget has released the 2011 Circular A-133 audit guidance document. As usual, new programs have been added, other programs have been deleted, and individual program descriptions have been updated. In addition, OMB has added guidance and references relating to Transparency Act reporting, and clarified reporting requirements and auditors’ responsibilitiesRead… Read more »

WikiLeak Proof

Originally published on 10 Dec 2010 at ECM Gov Blog. The latest WikiLeaks release and subsequent media storm has caused me to think about the role that ECM plays in content security. When all of our records were on paper, they were easily lost, compromised, copied, and destroyed. However, in the digital age, when weRead… Read more »

Procurement Management Stress

There’s a lot of pressure on procurement officers: cut costs, supplier quality, amount of people power, process compliance and contract management. More and more the paper piles and inability to accurately review and assess bids is hampering the success of many, many local government agencies. To meet this challenge specialty software providers are solving thisRead… Read more »

Local Business Contracting Compliance – Do you have tips for us??

The Human Rights Commission (HRC) in San Francisco is committed to ensuring government contracts stimulate the local economy. To ensure compliance with San Francisco Administrative Code Chapter 14B Local Business Enterprise and Non-Discrimination in Contracting Ordinance the HRC has teamed up with the Department of Technology’s Emerging Technologies team. They have been tasked with recommendingRead… Read more »