Don’t Fear Artificial Intelligence, Plan For It
The key is not to think of artificial intelligence as an existential threat, but rather an event we can plan for and build around.
Artificial Intelligence, Emerging Tech, Tech
The key is not to think of artificial intelligence as an existential threat, but rather an event we can plan for and build around.
NPR recently posed the following question: Do we all need to learn how to code software? According to the article, both Democrat and Republican leaders have expressed a desire to make programming a core skillset, placing it on equal footing with reading, math, and foreign language training. “Becoming literate in code is as essential toRead… Read more »
Keeping the lines of communication and collaboration open between these nations and their militaries is a struggle under the best of conditions. However, the ongoing economic situation is impacting each and every member nation to some degree and at some level. This means that budgets need to be cut, every cent needs to be accountedRead… Read more »
Here’s a great article about how military video adoption is increasing. It’s encouraging to see how Unified Communications, like VTC are enabling decision makers from each branch of the military to collaborate and communicate face-to-face and in real time, despite geographic locations. Read the full post at
For the last couple of months I’ve been playing around with a Lenovo Ideapad S205. It’s a slightly bigger than a netbook machine that runs Windows 7. I’ve been a pretty dedicated Mac user for the last five years or so, but have been tempted to switch back to Windows for a couple of reasons.Read… Read more »
Well….the old adage, “There is no such thing as a Free lunch” is still true, but you can download Free (or low cost) Food Related Publications from is a great resource to find official publications on Cars, Consumer Protection and even, ‘Going Green’. Pubs on Computers are especially helpful too, check this siteRead… Read more »
Communications, Miscellaneous, Project Management, Tech
As some of you may know from my time on GovLoop and long standing particpation. I look and write about solutions and collaboration on a fairly regular basis. I just came back from Walter Reed and Ft. Belvoir yesterday and today working in collaboration with the Wounded Warrior Transition Units (WTUs). We are, with others,Read… Read more »