Negotiating the Fear out of Negotiation: Part I
In this week’s blog, I will cover some of the general lessons I learned about negotiations that can also apply to general conversations and interactions with others.
In this week’s blog, I will cover some of the general lessons I learned about negotiations that can also apply to general conversations and interactions with others.
Google the phrase “how to become more confident” and you’ll find 9,370,000 answers. Clearly, people want to know how to become more confident versions of themselves — more assured, savvier, and more well-respected. It’s a good goal! And amongst those 9,370,000 articles, there are a variety of good tips. Stand up straight. Smile more. GetRead… Read more »
It took me took me several years before I could think about this one particular boss without feeling physical anxiety. My heart would start beating faster, my muscles would tense up, and sometimes I’d be so anxious I couldn’t fall asleep. He was the kind of boss to whom all my work was a disappointmentRead… Read more »
Should I speak up, or is this a dumb idea? Did I do a good enough job on that project? Am I in over my head? Chances are you recognize that voice. It’s the downward spiraling mantra of self-doubt, and almost everyone has had it in his head at one point or another. Self-doubt canRead… Read more »
Picture this: Lucy has convinced Charlie Brown to run up to kick the football while she is holding it. Charlie races toward the ball and just before he kicks it, Lucy pulls it away – again. Of course, Charlie kicks nothing but air and winds up on his back with a thud; humiliated and disappointedRead… Read more »
Have you ever been bullied? Have you supervised a team that included a bully? Though they sometimes go by other names, I have known my share of bullies and have struggled to deal with them at different times in my life. It doesn’t really matter if the bully is part of a little league softRead… Read more »
Preparing for the Arrival of a New Leader Authored by: Patty Guard, Former Deputy Director of Special Education Programs, US Department of Education, Board Member Public Sector Consortium Build trust and credibility with the new leader Contact the new leader to introduce yourself, to say congratulations and that you are looking forward to working withRead… Read more »
“This is Part 2 of a 2 part series. Read Part 1 by clicking the link in the Related Articles box below this article. Jan Kallberg Waldo’s predictions about the future for public administration describe five areas that would be problematic in the future: legitimacy, authority, knowledge, control, and confidence. Legitimacy includes not only thatRead… Read more »
“What if?” These two words can be an empowering combination or they can be thefirst step down a path of keeping us locked into limiting patterns. Each day, hundreds of times, we are faced with the opportunity to make choices that lead us toward our dreams or away from them and for far too manyRead… Read more »
When I was first asked to blog in the early days of GovLoop, I thought it sounded like fun but wondered what I’d write about every week. After all, being a government employee isn’t really part of my self-identity. It’s just my job. Sure, I enjoy my job well enough and have a strong workRead… Read more »