3 Keys to Professional Wellness
About 90,000 hours of the average person’s life are spent at work. Within that time, many hours will be fulfilling and exciting, but many others will cause frustration and stress.
About 90,000 hours of the average person’s life are spent at work. Within that time, many hours will be fulfilling and exciting, but many others will cause frustration and stress.
By approaching workplace conflict in a professional manner, you can help foster a positive, respectful office environment.
Disagreement within teams may be completely normal, but it doesn’t mean it’s easy.
Under extraordinary circumstances of stress, conflict at work is inevitable. Here are some strategies to navigate difficult conversations.
How to address confrontation within yourself, with others, and throughout your life.
By approaching workplace conflict in a professional manner, you can help foster a positive, respectful office environment.
If you have worked for a while, you have undoubtedly had to face an inconvenient truth — sometimes conflict is inevitable.
We need conflict; without it, we limit creativity, collaboration and our social capital. However, we need to reframe it as differences in how we see things and as having a positive outcome.
Take GovLoop’s quiz to walk through five scenarios and learn whether you’re an avoider, collaborator, competitor, compromiser or accommodator.
Open conflict, tense meetings, and burned bridges are all too common at work. If you’re thrown into an awkward situation with the expectation that you can make it better, try some of these strategies and see if they work for you. What other methods have you used to diffuse tough work situations?