Networking for Success: Tips for Starting Virtual Government Internships
Here are tips to help anyone — temporary workers, students and government workers — network for success when starting virtual internships and details.
Here are tips to help anyone — temporary workers, students and government workers — network for success when starting virtual internships and details.
Overcome opposition and achieve success. Try these 5 tested and tried tips when pitching your idea.
Connect. That was the word author and storyteller Greg Neri started off with this morning during the second day of the 2015 NextGen Conference here in Washington, D.C. Neri has traveled around the country and has written several books inspired by true life. He has worked with inner city middle and high school students andRead… Read more »
As we become an increasingly urban species the challenges related to growing numbers of people occupying finite spaces becomes an acute concern. The friction generated as we rub elbows can make us all uncomfortable. I found out at an event last week that when it comes to moderating these challenges while running the sixth mostRead… Read more »
When I wrote in my blog last week that Google Drive’s announcement arrived with a whimper; that was after my initial impression. After working with it for a week, I would like to upgrade my appraisal from cool reception to something just shy of ‘game-changer’… let’s just call it ‘significant’. Why the change? Looking atRead… Read more »
Google Drive arrives with a bang. It has been a full five years since we first heard claims of its imminent arrival. In all fairness, those early claims in 07 and 09 were not published by Google, but by hackers who were snooping around Google’s sites and finding sign-up pages for a service code-named “Platypus”.Read… Read more »
As I ponder topics for my blog, I often look to issues that are coming up with my clients, family, friends, or those with whom I have recently interacted. I enjoy looking at shared stories and themes, and just like Twitter, my experience has taught me that there are trending topics in life. The oneRead… Read more »
From Apache to Health and Human Services: Apache co-founder Brian Behlendorf discusses the CONNECT health data project Brian Behlendorf, one of the founders of the Apache Web server project and the CollabNet cooperative software development company, is contracting now with the Department of Health and Human Services on a software project they opened up aRead… Read more »
As the post-election smoke clears, we’re launching a small experiment on the Foreign Office Global Conversations blogs. On a number of blogs (for now, mostly the US ones, such as this one), we’re adding the comment functionality of Facebook Connect. So for now, we have different mechanics on different blogs, but this is by wayRead… Read more »
Today – I checked in on Defense Connect Online, to join an online meeting. Afterwards, I learned how to set up my microphone, so that next time, I will actually be able to comment, vice just using the chat feature! I also found out that Intellilink has SharePoint access (umm, for *free*), which is anotherRead… Read more »