When Schools Are Online but Students Aren’t
At least 3.7 million households lack internet access according to a Census Bureau survey. Here is how one school ensures its students have connectivity.
At least 3.7 million households lack internet access according to a Census Bureau survey. Here is how one school ensures its students have connectivity.
For defense agencies to fulfill mission-critical needs, their IT professionals need the right management and monitoring tools and processes. Learn how network connectivity can help.
What would it take for a city to be able to call itself “one of the most livable” in America? Some qualifications that come to mind include: quality transportation infrastructure, affordable housing and utility options, schools that prepare children for bright futures, clean open spaces for enjoying the natural world, zero crime, friendly neighbors… theRead… Read more »
Yesterday, I commented on Dannielle Blumenthal’s “5 Reasons Why Facebook will beat Google+ Easily” In essence: I disagree. Here are Dannielle’s reasons: Brand: She says “Facebook is about staying connected with friends. Google is about making the world’s data searchable.” But to me, and most people with GMail, Picasa, Blogger, and Reader accounts, (to sayRead… Read more »
Yesterday, Steve Ressler and Andrew Krzmarzick invited me and fellow GovLooper Joshua Joseph in the GL HQ on 15th. We ate baguette, drank coffee, and talked about why people (like you!) should spend your time and energy here. It was a good conversation that ended up focusing on these questions: How is GovLoop different thanRead… Read more »
Yesterday, my 18-month old daughter woke up crying at 3 AM. That’s very unusual; she has been sleeping through the night since she was about 7 weeks old, and her twin brother since he was about 9 weeks. So when she woke up, I quickly went in to her room to see what was wrong.Read… Read more »
From the Pony Express in 1860 to today’s digital revolution, the scope of our connectivity has increased in every dimension. Our connections are faster, farther-flung, and more complete and immersive than ever before. In the last decade, however, we have crossed a significant threshold, from connectivity into hyperconnectivity. As an example, most urban Americans areRead… Read more »
Phil McKinney, VP and CTO for HP’s Personal systems group, recently gave a fascinating presentation on the future of technology at the DoD Enterprise Architecture conference. You can see the video of his full presentation on DodEA’s website via this link: http://afei.kzoplatform.com/swf/player/767/chapter:1 . It’s a little on the long side (over an hour) so IRead… Read more »