Posts Tagged: content

5 Things the Brand Learned from Launching Campaigns

By Leilani Martinez and Jessica Milcetich The team is launching a series of interactive, multimedia campaigns that package the most useful and relevant government information around specific topics. The whole family — including,, social media outlets, email lists and more — is working in a coordinated fashion for these campaigns in orderRead… Read more »

StumbleUpon: More Compelling Statistics

A couple of weeks ago, I posted a blog entry about StumbleUpon – what it is (social bookmarking tool), what it does (drives website traffic), and why you should probably know about it (the tool doubled its user base to 20 million in less than two years). StumbleUpon recently worked with a data visualization/visual contentRead… Read more »

Context Is King

They used to say “content is king.” Kings, like anything, have value because they are rare. Is content rare? With hundreds of millions of users on Facebook and Twitter and tens of millions of blogs, content is everywhere. Sure, the quality varies, but content is anything but scarse. Most is ephemeral, easily forgotten, and replaced.Read… Read more »

Book Review: Content Strategy for the WEB One of the missing elements in most Web projects these days is the creation and management of content. It’s as though teams think its enough to just put up a container and content will appear. During the past year I’ve watch multiple sites stood up with weeks of effort and then try to cramRead… Read more »

The Big Elephant in the Sharepoint room

After all the “SharePoint Saturday The Conference” excitement has died down. I looked at both the agenda and attendance and came to the obvious conclusion. We’re still more enthralled with technology than content. I will not say that is necessarily a bad thing, however, for a technology that professes to help manage content as aRead… Read more »

FOSE 2011, plus ECM’s Benefits To Your Agency

Last week as I walked the exhibition hall at FOSE 2011, I was amazed at how much innovation is aimed at making our United States Government (the greatest in the world) even better. I had some great conversations with government employees, consultants, and vendors who are trying hard to make agencies more efficient, more effective-inRead… Read more »

Debt Ceiling Strategy: Use ECM to Trim Your Agency

Agencies that implement an Enterprise Content Management (ECM) system are typically losers-but in a good way! The whole reason to implement an ECM system is to lose the waste while gaining efficiency. Below are five things you can kiss goodbye when your ECM system comes online: Wasting Time: How much time does your current processRead… Read more »

The Global, Mobile Enterprise Era: Transform Your Presence

2011 has shown that not only are mobile strategies effective in growing a business globally, they are imperative. As our knowledge of mobile marketing begins to grow, so do the statistics: * 250 million people access Facebook through a mobile device; those who access through a mobile device rather than a PC are twice asRead… Read more »

Crafting new guidelines for strategic deployment of Social Business systems

AIIM, the Association for Information and Image Management has gathered leaders from 18 Social Business and Content Management companies to serve on the second major taskforce project in the social content definition process, this one headed by Professor Andrew McAfee, known as the grandfather of E2.0. “I am excited to partner with AIIM on thisRead… Read more »

Social Media Trending Up Among Nonprofits

Our intern Patrick just wrote his first blog post for us! Check it out! Nonprofit organizations looking for a cost-effective way to engage their supporters often turn to social media. According to the 2011 Nonprofit Social Network Benchmark Report, of the 11,000+ Nonprofit organizations (NPOs) surveyed, 92% utilize social networks like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube andRead… Read more »