Posts Tagged: content

Social Media Trending Up Among Nonprofits

Our intern Patrick just wrote his first blog post for us! Check it out! Nonprofit organizations looking for a cost-effective way to engage their supporters often turn to social media. According to the 2011 Nonprofit Social Network Benchmark Report, of the 11,000+ Nonprofit organizations (NPOs) surveyed, 92% utilize social networks like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube andRead… Read more »

Backlink Bartering: How interlinking among government sites can help get our web content found

The following post is expanded from my original post on May 23, 2011, to the Federal Web Content Managers Forum: As a fellow govie from GSA quoted the other day: “We fellow govies should support each other’s work” and no one more so than those of us working in digital content and the Internet. TheRead… Read more »

Creating a hub for your city – Where are people going to find your information

Cities often face difficulties when determining which outlets they will utilize to broadcast information. Ideally, a city’s information would be broadcast directly from one spot – or “hub” to the source. In most cases, however, cities maintain several entities on the Web such as social networking sites and blogs. Cities must execute a successful strategyRead… Read more »

We’re Hiring! Join our Web Communications Division as a GS7/9 Web Content Specialist

Join our Web Communications Division at USDA as a GS7/9 Web Content Specialist! Announcement is open through Thursday, April 28. Our Web team manages the website and oversees/coordinates the Department’s social media presence. It’s an exciting time at USDA as we’re soon launching a redesigned website and will be taking our web communications toRead… Read more »

Records Management in a Facebook World: an Oxymoron?

For most organizations (government agencies included), the legal, regulatory, and policy frameworks for managing electronic information are all constructed upon paper. The massive growth in the volume and variety of business information means that we can no longer extend our paper-based paradigm further and further into the world of electronic and social information. The resultRead… Read more »

Experts Needed to help develop new information management certification

Reposted from our AIIM Community Blogs –! By Atle Skjekkeland, Vice President at AIIM International April 01, 2011 – 7:46 AM We have already several experts willing to help us on a number of topics, but would like some more experts for the below topics for an in-person workshop in Baltimore Tuesday, May 3,Read… Read more »

Geeks to Wonks – Call for Projects from #SXSH

As a follow on to the CKO/CHCO and KM discussions the other day that lamented some of the technical and policy gaps in implementing enterprise knowledge and learning solutions, just captured the following from Twitter which may be of interest to folks here to make connections on #opengov projects. See also:

Government Crisis Management

It’s not about putting a “spin” on the story; it’s about reporting the truth – first. Crisis management in a government, city, or organization requires a team of tactful professionals and a crisis management plan in place prior to an incident occurring. In no way should the tactics include putting a “spin” on the story,Read… Read more »

How a Great Web Design Can Make People Love Your City

The basis for a majority of city websites is to disburse information to citizens in a timely matter. Though information distribution is the foundation behind implementing a city website, the design can in some cases, have as much impact as the information itself. In Robert Brunner’s book Do You Matter? How Great Design Will MakeRead… Read more »

Online, Interactive Digital Engagement Governance – a.k.a. Approaching Social Media Governance as a Method

This will be the first in an ongoing set of entries about Interactive Digital Engagement Governance. Contact me or Navigation Arts in McLean, VA for more information, or for ideas regarding planning and implementing such a methodology at your organization. The concept of governance isn’t new at all to organizations building websites, whether inside (asRead… Read more »