DorobekINSIDER: The Biggest Obstacle to Good Government
Federal agencies have gotten very good at making a broken system work — perhaps too good.
Federal agencies have gotten very good at making a broken system work — perhaps too good.
The focus of attention to malign the government worker due to performance and service issues deflect from the real obstruction that impacts the quality of government service. For nearly two decades, there have been demands from the legislative and executive branches concerning the poor condition of the infrastructure in many government agencies. There have beenRead… Read more »
The U.S. federal government is mired in political budget wranglings that may result in another government shutdown. If this seems all-too familiar, that’d be the painful memories of the last government shutdown in 2013. But, the federal government can’t stop completely. And, even though the possible government shutdown is just a couple of days away, it’s far from certain that it willRead… Read more »
With the upcoming deadline to pass the budget for the 2016 fiscal year, it’s a good time to revisit the impact of past shutdowns and Continuing Resolutions (CR) – both which can delay funding to agencies and cause uncertainty over future funding. Much has been written about the cost of these budget uncertainties, particularly aroundRead… Read more »
I’ve been closely following the federal budget for more than two decades, and at no point have things been more confusing, not only to observers like myself, but more importantly to federal managers and executives who are trying to plan their department budgets. A grand bargain on the budget would be welcome news not onlyRead… Read more »
On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: The headlines surrounding sequestration have slowed down, but that doesn’t mean its gone away for feds. In fact, the effects of sequestration are piling up at agencies. The Partnership for Public Service has tips to balancing your work and sequestration. Click here for the full recap. What’s the biggest challenge facingRead… Read more »
Yesterday the House passed a six-month FY13 continuing resolution (CR) that maintains sequester level spending for the remainder of the fiscal year, but provides appropriations to Defense and Milcon-VA. The measure, HR 933, passed by a vote of 267-151, would extend the federal pay freeze but grants military personnel a 1.7 percent pay increase. ItRead… Read more »
This week Congress will vote on a continuing resolution to fund the federal government for the remainder of the current fiscal year. I’ve been looking at the proposal and noticed a few things that might be of interest to grants professionals. First, while the theme of transparency and accountability grow, Congress is planning to slashRead… Read more »