A 21st-Century Education in Ohio Prisons
Education can make a big difference for people leaving prison. Here’s how one state is using tech increase the options for incarcerated students.
Education can make a big difference for people leaving prison. Here’s how one state is using tech increase the options for incarcerated students.
High recidivism indicates something isn’t working in our jails. Technology can help break the prison-to-prison pipeline.
Two very different state agencies in California have teamed up for the specialized Arts-in-Corrections program. The result? A unique program that’s gaining positive national–and international–attention.
Forum explores corrections information sharing and standards Ashburn, VA (October 22, 2013). The IJIS Institute—a nonprofit organization that focuses on mission‐critical information sharing for justice, public safety, and homeland security—recently convened its first Corrections Technology Forum at the Crystal Gateway Marriot in Arlington, Virginia. Attending the inaugural Corrections Technology Forum were nearly 100 executives fromRead… Read more »
Papers explore corrections information sharing and NIEM globalization Ashburn, VA (March 28, 2013). The IJIS Institute, a nonprofit organization that focuses on mission‐critical information sharing for justice, public safety, and homeland security, is pleased to announce the publication of two new white papers authored by IJIS Institute Advisory Committees: 1) Value of Corrections Information: BenefitsRead… Read more »
I’m always interested in hearing recruitment statistics, and after reading a Pew Center On The States Press Release, I thought this blog would be a great follow up to my Sep 13th posting – Get out of Jail Green Ticket. Here’s the impact of incarceration for job seekers, their families, and for the government: ·Read… Read more »
The Federal Bureau of Prisons Mid-Atlantic Region needs to fill correctional positions NOW. We have 15 correctional facilities in a seven state area and we need Correctional Officers and medical professionals today. We are going to run two “8 to 8″ Hiring Events – one in Petersburg, VA (30 minutes south of Richmond) and oneRead… Read more »