How to Tailor Your Cover Letter to a Government Job
Let’s get down to the nitty gritty on how we tailor a cover letter to the key words of a government job.
Let’s get down to the nitty gritty on how we tailor a cover letter to the key words of a government job.
It’s that time of year again: is your cover letter ready?
An impressive cover letter will probably make a great first impression to hiring managers — which is key to landing an interview.
A cover letter can be a powerful tool for landing yourself an interview. It can give a better glimpse into your personality and how you’ll fit with the company culture than a simple resume, and it can give you a chance to provide a context around your achievements. A poorly-written cover letter, on the otherRead… Read more »
For a lot of people, writing the cover letter is the most excruciatingly painful experience of applying for a job. It shouldn’t be. Here’s why: 1) Cover letters are stories. Everyone loves stories. 2) Cover letters are stories on your favorite topic. You can write a story about yourself, and enjoy yourself while doing so,Read… Read more »
We’ve done all the necessary preparation and have our philosophy of building the better burger. Here’s the structure I suggest for your cover letter (and I like using block paragraph format–saves space and looks cleaner): Your street address (notice your name is not here) Your City, State and Zip [one space] Date [one space] ContactsRead… Read more »
So you know how to write a Hamburger Essay. So what, right? How does this translate into a top notch cover letter? Before I get too deep into this topic, I need to explain my philosophy on cover letters (and resumes too, for that matter). I am a utilitarian — give the employer what theyRead… Read more »
In 7th grade, I was taught to write the Hamburger Essay. It was a hard lesson to learn, first because my English class met right before lunch, and second, because I subscribed to the “write as you talk” philosophy (I wasn’t astute enough at the time to realize that though). (And for those of youRead… Read more »
Are you losing focus in your job search? Finding the days disappearing into an online haze? Here are some common time wasters you should avoid: 1. Applying for every job, no matter how far fetched. It’s so easy now to apply online for jobs that you may be tempted to apply for positions that areRead… Read more »
Since many of us take this time to reflect on the year past and the year ahead of us, let’s do so in the context of your job search. We’re not going to guilt you into making promises you can’t keep, so let’s keep our list of resolutions to five manageable items that will helpRead… Read more »