What Happens When Data Fails?
The government relies on data to perform a number of critical services and simply to function. But what happens when data fails?
The government relies on data to perform a number of critical services and simply to function. But what happens when data fails?
A few weeks ago I started reading Deep Down Dark: The Untold Stories of 33 Men Buried in a Chilean Mine, and the Miracle That Set Them Free and began to think more than ever about the need to enhance resilience. Granted, miners accept the obvious risks of entering a mine so their need toRead… Read more »
Over the years, I’ve had the honor of either directly running or managing the people running EPA websites responding to various crises: 9/11 (that happened one month after I joined public affairs) Columbia Shuttle Accident Hurricane Katrina BP Oil Spill Radiation coming to the U.S. from the release of material from Japanese nuclear reactors followingRead… Read more »
Does the Federal Government need to rebrand itself, as some have recently suggested, due to low public approval, politically-charged rhetoric, and negative stereotypes of Federal employees? I think not. Rather, I stipulate that: 1) Rebranding Feds is unnecessary and inadvisable at this time, and 2) There is no real “crisis” for Feds that warrants aRead… Read more »
The Strategic Foresight Initiative (SFI) is a project managed by FEMA whose goal is to engage the diverse emergency management community in a collective exploration of issues, trends, and other factors that could impact the future environment, and to support expanded strategic thinking and planning for the future. Following is information from the June 2012Read… Read more »
In honor of the one year anniversary of the tragic Joplin, Missouri tornado, FEMA is pleased to release publication P-908. The Spring 2011 Tornado MAT Report is dedicated to the memory of the victims of the April 25–28, 2011 tornadoes in the southeastern United States and the May 22, 2011 tornado that struck Joplin, Missouri.Read… Read more »
If you’re interested in use of social media by emergency responders, or ‘unconferences’, or both, you might like this blog post about BlueLight Camp in the UK: First thing in the morning on Sunday 15th April there was barely a cloud in the sky above Manchester. The sun shone, the sky was blue, and IRead… Read more »
You’ve worked all day. At 6 p.m., a crisis within your agency or city now demands your all-night attention. For communication professionals handling media requests, the difficulty of maintaining message continuity is a common dilemma. When a colleague finally rescues you after an all-nighter, you then face the task of communicating about communication. What mediaRead… Read more »
I had the pleasure of leading an FCN Lunch ‘n Learn this week – it was a great audience, and an excellent discussion! For those who missed it, attached are the slides. We covered lots of other communications channels that aren’t in the slides…and I’d love to hear what’s your favorite communication tool in aRead… Read more »
Hi, Here’s a Workplace Griefbusting program I’ve just developed, a spinoff from the original essay – Transforming Workplace Ghost Carriers into Grief Warriors and Healing Guides: Strengthening Employee Health and Productivity through Workplace Griefbusting http://www-stressdoc-com.blogspot.com/ The essay and program were partly inspired by recent Critical Incident-Grief Intervention Consulting after a popular employee died in aRead… Read more »