Build an Environment for Transformation
transformation, we often focus on the technology and expect the workplace culture to follow. But real change requires an engaged workforce.
transformation, we often focus on the technology and expect the workplace culture to follow. But real change requires an engaged workforce.
Why it’s important to have long-term commitment to trusting the process of culture change.
If creativity, vulnerability and innovation are to be embraced, those in leadership can’t freak out when certainty is unavailable to them. How leadership reacts will have ripple effects that impact everyone under them.
Turning engagement into action is even easier yet not often done. How is that done? By taking those engaged persons and setting them up to be empowered to make decisions and take action. Here are eight actions that you need to take to make this shift.
Culture is about social norms and collective regard and we make up the collective. What are we going to do to ensure that our voice, our passion, and our visions are not drowned out by the negative culture cycle created and reinforced by others?
An effective, planned change management strategy can minimize resistance, increase engagement, improve performance, reduce cost and enhance innovation.
Inaction in the face of harassment and intimidation is unthinkable when we all have the power to speak up and demand change in the workplace.
The verdict is in. We are living in an age of disruption; an information revolution, which most economists agree is as profound and disruptive as the agricultural and industrial revolutions. In his new book Thank you for Being Late Thomas Friedman refers to this as an “age of accelerations” in which markets, Mother Nature, and technology areRead… Read more »
Many times we default to a need for “culture change” when we are faced with a far-reaching organizational challenge, but it may not be the answer to all of our problems.
Don’t worry if you don’t immediately recognize the verbiage, “taking an arrow to the knee” is an internet meme popularized by the action/role-playing video game Skyrim. In Skyrim … … the town guard non-player characters (NPCs) have several stock lines they repeat when the player walks near them, including a bewildered statement about “curved swords”,Read… Read more »