Posts Tagged: CX

Prioritizing Employee Experience to Enhance Government Services Amidst DOGE-Led Disruptions

When government employees feel valued and supported, they’re more likely to deliver a superior customer experience (CX). So even in times of disruption, it’s critical to prioritize the public sector’s employee experience (EX).

What Will Happen to the CX Executive Order in the New Administration?

Many customer experience (CX) nerds in the public sector are wondering “What will happen to Biden’s CX Executive Order?” Here’s some context on how CX-related executive orders have played out in the past, and some hypotheses about what lies ahead.

Do You Know What Makes a Good Question?

Questions are not inherently neutral. They carry context, tone (if spoken), assumptions, and bias. If you’re working with customer (CX) or employee (EX) experience, asking questions is a necessary part of gathering feedback. Let’s discuss a couple of the ways that questions make assumptions and how to avoid them when collecting feedback.

Good CX in the OCIO: A Win for Both Customers and OCIO Teams

This blog post highlights the importance of focusing on CX for government IT products and how it has a positive ripple effect on both users and IT teams. By making CX a priority, agencies can improve service delivery while also creating a more fulfilling and productive work environment for IT professionals.