Posts Tagged: cybersecurity

The Current Government Security Environment

As government relies more heavily on information technology to store, manage and access critical data, it also creates greater potential for that information to be misused or exposed. According to one Government Accountability Office report, the number of cyber incidents in the federal space in 2014 was 12 times higher than it was in 2006.

Enhancing Mobility and Security for Healthcare IT

Creating a vision of health care technology that can support the health of all Americans in smart and efficient ways is no easy task. Though much progress has been made across the health IT market, several challenges still remain – everything from dealing with cybersecurity and interoperability issues to health care modernization and more.

The State of the Cyber Workforce Training in State & Local Governments

Particularly at the state and local levels, the number of cybersecurity-related jobs already outnumbers people qualified to fill them, and that demand is growing rapidly. To counter that shortage, some organizations are creating new strategies to organize and recruit cyber professionals.

An Interesting Look at a “Think and Do” Tank on Cyber

By: John W. Lainhart and Christopher Ballister In early 2015, George Washington University established the Center for Cyber and Homeland Security (CCHS) – a nonpartisan “think and do” tank. CCHS’ mission is to carry out policy-relevant research and analysis on cybersecurity, homeland security and counterterrorism issues.  By bringing together domestic and international policymakers and practitionersRead… Read more »