If Cybersecurity Is a Team Sport, How Can Your Agency Play as Part of the Team?
At GovLoop’s online training Thursday, government experts spoke about what agencies are focused on in this phase of bolstering their cybersecurity.
At GovLoop’s online training Thursday, government experts spoke about what agencies are focused on in this phase of bolstering their cybersecurity.
We spoke with the Chief Information Officer for the 9th largest city in the U.S., to understand how equity can and should drive government decision-making.
While agencies had more to do, the pressing and unique circumstances of this year had them moving boulders that had been blocking progress.
Even with the sudden shift of circumstance, security experts had already foreseen the eventual need for distributed, remotely applied security.
For many organizations, much of their important data exists at the edge of the network. Is your agency ready to take advantage of it?
EEOC EXCEL 2012 July 31 – August 2, Dallas REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN Theme: “Knowledge is Power” http://eeotraining.eeoc.gov/viewpage.aspx?ID=df38df67-1b6b-4297-bf43-7ad46a27b84d The 15th Annual Examining Conflicts in Employment Laws (EXCEL) Conference is thepremier Federal training conference for EEO managers, supervisors, practitioners, HRprofessionals, attorneys and ADR specialists. The conference is sponsored by the U.S. EqualEmployment Opportunity Commission. This year’sRead… Read more »
The five Loaned Executive (LE) teams have stepped up their game: They are now competing for three valuable autographed footballs to be awarded to the winning LE team’s highest-scoring departments. The winning score will be based on the following statistics: percentage of 2010 goal achieved, percentage of total dollars pledged in 2010 vs. 2009 andRead… Read more »
The Advanced Learning Institute Needs Your Vote! Help us choose the best city to host our next Social Media for Government – March 22-25, 2010. Please choose ONE city from these choices: Phoenix, Dallas or Atlanta. Which one is the most accessible and has a wider government draw? Please post your choice on the SocialRead… Read more »