Posts Tagged: data

States Join Forces in Using Data to Fight COVID-19

As COVID-19 came crashing down on the U.S. like a wave, first striking the West Coast before spilling into the rest of the country, state and local governments relied on one another to fine-tune their responses.

A Picture in Time: How NIH Has Responded to the Challenge of COVID-19 Data

While with a vaccine and the right response, the pandemic itself will fade, its long-term health impacts will live with those who contracted and survived the virus. Interoperable, nuanced data will be vital to treating their conditions.

Who’s Afraid of Data?

On the GovLoop online training, “Don’t Hide From Analytics: How to Get Comfortable Working With Data,” Tony Bland, Senior Data Engineer at the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency, shared tips for those looking to put metrics to work at their agencies.