Posts Tagged: data

Are You REDI for Diversity?

The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) recently launched a new program to drive up diversity in the federal workforce. The program is known as REDI: Recruitment, Engagement, Diversity, and Inclusion. The government is, potentially, at a turning point in terms of its diversity. In the coming years, there will be massive turnover in the governmentRead… Read more »

Leadership in Action

With each edition of The Business of Government magazine, my goal is straightforward: to introduce readers to the works, insights, and advice from some of today’s key government executives, who are tackling significant management challenges and seizing opportunities to lead. To complement these examples of leadership in action, I also highlight the practical, actionable research… Read more »

Suffering From Data Downtime? You’re Not Alone

Today, data has become a new natural resource and is powering many services we rely on. Think about your smartphone: every app and service is powered by data. From restaurant and movie reviews, to GPS directions and weather alerts, authoritative data, often made public by government, helps provide these services. With access to data beingRead… Read more »

Capture The Flag, Capture Your Data

The data is at the endpoint, waiting to be “captured” and analyzed when new tagging rules arise. Now, you can only tag sensitive data. Team members aren’t aware of the new rules or fully engaged and in result, abnormal activities start to occur while the data is in motion. Outsiders now have the data, stayingRead… Read more »

Improving the Efficiency of FOIA at the EPA

The following is an excerpt from GovLoop’s latest industry perspective on information governance. To read the full thing, head here. The EPA’s mission is to protect human health and the environment. To accomplish that, officials must be able to provide information and data to researchers, policymakers and citizens when they need it. This means the agencyRead… Read more »

Records Management: You Gotta Take Your Medicine

There are some really foul-tasting medicines out there – malaria pills and cough syrup especially come to mind. But even though it’s no fun to take your medicine, it helps, and it’s much better than being sick. Who actually wants malaria? Records management, like medicine, is not the most exciting thing, but it’s absolutely necessaryRead… Read more »

In Toys As In Data, Sharing is Caring

“Mine! Mine! Mine!” Despite my parents consistently emphasizing the importance of sharing, when it came to my Legos or other favorite toys, sharing wasn’t such a simple task. But as time went on, I got better at sharing and saw the benefits (and lack of scoldings) that it generated. The ability to share is anRead… Read more »