Posts Tagged: data

Everything You Need to Know to Build a Successful Analytics Program You Learned in Kindergarten

For several years, the Partnership for Public Service and the IBM Center for The Business of Government have partnered to have Conversations on Big Data, a series of discussions designed to broaden the perspective about quantitative analytics and share lessons learned about what worked well and what did not. As I was reviewing the transcriptsRead… Read more »

The Government Moves Forward with Standards and Interoperability for Health Care Information

This article was originally posted by Dr. Keith Salzman on the IBM Center for the Business of Government blog. As I wrote on October 23, the government faces many challenges in implementing successful health care information exchanges that improve the efficiency and effectiveness of care delivery. This first follow-up post discusses the importance of standardsRead… Read more »

The Value of Volunteering is Not About Headcount, but Headway

Earlier last week, the National Conference on Citizenship (NCoC) released a report on volunteering and civic life in America in collaboration with the Corporation for National and Community Service and the U.S. Census Bureau. Promisingly, surveys of 100,000 subjects found that one in four American adults volunteer with an organization and nearly two-thirds engage in activities to helpRead… Read more »

Data Download – A Year In Open Data

In February, the Commence Department opened the Office of Digital Engagement. The idea was simple. Create an office where users can interact with the department on any communication channel. Twitter? Of course. Facebook? You bet. Even Instagram. “This year we put our Secretary on Instagram. She was the first cabinet member to be on Instagram,”Read… Read more »

Why Data is Your Key to Reduce Waste, Fraud and Abuse

In our first chapter of the IBM and GovLoop guide series, we explained how big data has fundamentally changed the way government does business. But for many institutions, understanding the applications of big data is just the start of the analytics journey. In this chapter we dive deeper and focus on how deploying a data-drivenRead… Read more »

Talent Analytics – Make that Move

HR leaders and their HR teams throughout federal agencies can presumably feel the groundswell of talent analytics all around them. Industry analysts, press and vendors are all declaring the importance of big data and how it relates to talent analytics. Forward-thinking government leaders are asking more questions and providing more directives about the analysis ofRead… Read more »