Posts Tagged: data

Records Management: You Gotta Take Your Medicine

There are some really foul-tasting medicines out there – malaria pills and cough syrup especially come to mind. But even though it’s no fun to take your medicine, it helps, and it’s much better than being sick. Who actually wants malaria? Records management, like medicine, is not the most exciting thing, but it’s absolutely necessaryRead… Read more »

In Toys As In Data, Sharing is Caring

“Mine! Mine! Mine!” Despite my parents consistently emphasizing the importance of sharing, when it came to my Legos or other favorite toys, sharing wasn’t such a simple task. But as time went on, I got better at sharing and saw the benefits (and lack of scoldings) that it generated. The ability to share is anRead… Read more »

Everything You Need to Know to Build a Successful Analytics Program You Learned in Kindergarten

For several years, the Partnership for Public Service and the IBM Center for The Business of Government have partnered to have Conversations on Big Data, a series of discussions designed to broaden the perspective about quantitative analytics and share lessons learned about what worked well and what did not. As I was reviewing the transcriptsRead… Read more »

The Government Moves Forward with Standards and Interoperability for Health Care Information

This article was originally posted by Dr. Keith Salzman on the IBM Center for the Business of Government blog. As I wrote on October 23, the government faces many challenges in implementing successful health care information exchanges that improve the efficiency and effectiveness of care delivery. This first follow-up post discusses the importance of standardsRead… Read more »

The Value of Volunteering is Not About Headcount, but Headway

Earlier last week, the National Conference on Citizenship (NCoC) released a report on volunteering and civic life in America in collaboration with the Corporation for National and Community Service and the U.S. Census Bureau. Promisingly, surveys of 100,000 subjects found that one in four American adults volunteer with an organization and nearly two-thirds engage in activities to helpRead… Read more »