Posts Tagged: data

Data Download – A Year In Open Data

In February, the Commence Department opened the Office of Digital Engagement. The idea was simple. Create an office where users can interact with the department on any communication channel. Twitter? Of course. Facebook? You bet. Even Instagram. “This year we put our Secretary on Instagram. She was the first cabinet member to be on Instagram,”Read… Read more »

Why Data is Your Key to Reduce Waste, Fraud and Abuse

In our first chapter of the IBM and GovLoop guide series, we explained how big data has fundamentally changed the way government does business. But for many institutions, understanding the applications of big data is just the start of the analytics journey. In this chapter we dive deeper and focus on how deploying a data-drivenRead… Read more »

Talent Analytics – Make that Move

HR leaders and their HR teams throughout federal agencies can presumably feel the groundswell of talent analytics all around them. Industry analysts, press and vendors are all declaring the importance of big data and how it relates to talent analytics. Forward-thinking government leaders are asking more questions and providing more directives about the analysis ofRead… Read more »

You Have To Look Beyond The Data

The world is divided into two camps: Those who trumpet the rise of Big Data. Those who want to shoot it dead. Legitimate opinions of course may vary. But in my own personal observation, the more emphatically you pound your fist on the table, the more your opinion is based in fear. Here is a primer on theRead… Read more »

Data Rich, Analysis Poor

Oakland has a new School Superintendent. I like him, partly because of the following statement he dropped at a meeting of the Youth Ventures Joint Powers Authority recently. All the city and county heavy-hitters were there, discussing the possibility of hiring an out-of-state firm to do a data report on Oakland. There was much debateRead… Read more »

Just What the Doctor Ordered: How To Achieve Smarter Care

Enabled by cutting-edge technology, our personal devices are increasingly interconnected and personalized. If this is the case for retail and entertainment, why should health and social care be any different? At Tuesday’s GovLoop training, Government Health and Social Care Collaboration to Control Costs and Improve Outcomes, moderated by Christopher Dorobek, we spoke with Dr. NickRead… Read more »

Leveraging Quantitative Analytics in the Legal Profession

The longest-running television crime drama was “Law and Order,” hitting the airwaves for a consecutive twenty seasons. I would argue that the effectiveness of the series had a lot to do with the balance of airtime between the “law” and the “order” side of the criminal justice system. Therefore, as a continuation of my blogRead… Read more »

Using Geography to Fight Food Insecurity

It is a critical time for global food systems. Strained by population growth and the unpredictable threats of climate change, the food security of billions worldwide is under threat. To meet this challenge, Esri, the global leader in GIS technology, is unleashing the power of geography to strengthen food resilience for a more sustainable future.Read… Read more »

How Your Cellphone Can Halt Ebola

Think about the computing power within your pocket: you can find the closest jumbo slice, order an Uber ride home and…track and target diseases? That’s right. Geographic Information Systems (GIS) – the same technology that powers maps on your smartphone – can be used to help medical providers map the spread of diseases like EbolaRead… Read more »