Posts Tagged: data

Transforming Federal Data Into Smart Business Analytics

Transforming Data Into Smart Business Analytics Check out my in-studio Tech Talk interview with John Gilroy at WFED Federal News Radio in Washington, DC. Learn how Federal agencies can achieve more by leveraging Tableau Software to see and understand all sizes and types of data. The segment titled Transforming Data Into Smart Business Analytics airedRead… Read more »

Why We Need More Chief Data Officers

Big data is driving game-changing innovations in both the private and public sector. With the emergence of the Internet of Things (IoT), the shared economy, and advances in robotics, our society is being fundamentally changed by technology and the data generated from that technology. These developments are powering changes in the ways organizations collect, storeRead… Read more »

A Data Sharing Disclosure Standard?

[Summary: Iterations on a proposal for a public register of government data sharing arrangements, setting out options for a Data Sharing Disclosure Standard to be used whenever government shares personal data. Draft for interactive comments here (and PDF for those in govt without access to Google Docs )] At the instigation of the UK CabinetRead… Read more »

3 Tips for Presenting Analysis

This past week I was able to attend a Management Concepts training offered by my Agency focused on presenting data analysis. This was a great three day training that if you ever have the opportunity to take I highly recommend. But as I know training dollars can be thin, I’m going to share some ofRead… Read more »

NG9-1-1: What Comes First? Governance or Technology?

Technological convergence of legacy and real-time data communications are quickly shaping emergency call taking and the role of Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) nation-wide. The result of current Emergency 9-1-1 (E9-1-1) trends, including technological progression, PSAP consolidation, and regional networks, is not only the evolution of the emergency response landscape, but the entire public safetyRead… Read more »

Making the Case for Public Health Informatics

Written with guest blogger Matt Roberts, Informatics Project Manager Inadequate information management leads to incomplete decision-making. Public health and healthcare decision-makers’ eyes routinely glaze over once information technology is mentioned. Return on investment is difficult to pinpoint, and millions of dollars appear to fall into IT black holes as the proposed product often arrives behindRead… Read more »

Harnessing the Power of Big Data [New Report]

Big data has revolutionized the way government agencies store, manage and collect data. Agencies can no longer rely on stable and structured data as a means to meet mission need. The way citizens engage with government has evolved, and the kinds of data processing services available have changed. Today, agencies must be able to quicklyRead… Read more »

Planning for the 2020 Census

Photo Credit: U.S. Census Bureau, Public Information Office Although the 2020 Census is about 6 years away, preparations are well underway. The Census Bureau has designated today as Census Day 2014, as the Bureau is conducting its first significant test of the methods and technologies it’s considering for the 2020 Census. We have often reportedRead… Read more »

Unlocking Budget Data in Australia: the BudgetAus Collaboration

Republished with permission from the International Budget Partnership blog This post was written by Rosie Williams of InfoAus. Unlocking Budget Data in Australia: the BudgetAus Collaboration Budget transparency in Australia has recently taken a big step forward with the first ever release of federal budget data in machine readable format. Prior to this year, budgetRead… Read more »