Posts Tagged: data

Talking Open Data, Big Data, and Cloud – Ajay Budhraja

There is a big push on Open Data initiatives since this enables organizations to share data with partners and also build new innovative solutions. Open data maximizes value creation built on structured and unstructured data. Open Data initiatives should be based on technologies that can collect and cleanse data in a standardized manner so thatRead… Read more »

Using Data Analytics to Counter Fraud: New York State Tax Case Study

This is the second blog in a three-part series exploring smarter counter fraud. “Fraud and falsehood only dread examination. Truth invites it.” This quixotic statement from American economist and political philosopher Thomas Cooper praises honesty and fair play, while promising that the system will catch those who try to manipulate it. But in reality, Cooper’sRead… Read more »

Data Transparency Needs Data Strategy!

One of the best things I’ve read recently is Grant Vergottini’s Imagining Government Data in the 21st Century where he lists and then explains seven characteristics of “data transparency”: The data must be available. The data must be provided in such a way that it is accessible and understandable by the widest possible audience. TheRead… Read more »

Cycling for the Public Good

The next time you ride your bicycle around town, you may be providing a public service. Wired magazine recently posted an article about the use of private sector data to power public sector service delivery improvements. According to the piece, the Oregon Department of Transportation is buying data from the cycling and running social mediaRead… Read more »

Using DATA to Shine the Light on Federal Spending

Understanding how the federal government spends taxpayer dollars is a daunting task. In fiscal year 2013 alone, the federal government spent $3.5 trillion. In May, Congress unanimously passed and the President signed the Digital Accountability and Transparency Act (DATA), which increases accountability and transparency of federal spending. The act requires several changes that will shedRead… Read more »

Is Open Data Sustainable in Your Community?

Which comes first, open data or open government? This question was posed at the Sunlight Foundation’s recent TransparencyCamp. The two-day event featured various outbreak sessions and thought-provoking messages from industry professionals. You can view additional coverage of the event here, “ICYMI: TransparencyCamp Event” and here, “Improving Insights from Sunlight Foundation’s Transparency Camp“. One ofRead… Read more »

The FBI’s Digital Journey

Keynote panel of C-level executives at PegaWorld 2014. FBI CFO Richard Haley (2nd from right). Criminals (and auditors) beware: the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is transforming itself to be even more effective in the field — and cost-effective at home. “We’re a 106 year old organization,” said FBI Chief Financial Officer Richard Haley. “AnRead… Read more »

Does Transparency Lead to Legitimacy and Trust?

Does greater transparency in government translate into greater citizen legitimacy and trust for government action? It depends, concludes a new study by a Swedish scholar. The Open Government movement has captured the imagination of many around the world as a way of increasing transparency, participation, and accountability. In the US, many of the federal, state,Read… Read more »