Posts Tagged: data

Decision Making with Real-Time Data

GIS is a platform for understanding our world. In the past, the data that fueled GIS could only represent a specific moment in time. But now, a number of new technologies are combining with ArcGIS to enable the real-time collection and sharing of data. The result? A dynamic platform that enables real-time visualization and analysis.Read… Read more »

Protecting Public Health with Smart Data

From clean water supplies to the polio vaccine, the most effective public health interventions are typically preventive interventions and policies that help stop a crisis before it starts. However, predicting the next public health crisis has historically been a challenge. Thanks to new technologies, we innovate age-old public health workflows and methods of analysis. WeRead… Read more »

Geospatial Intel Meets Entity Resolution: The Who, What, When, Where — and Quest for Why

Inspired by the many conversations we had at the recent GEOINT Symposium about how geospatial data can become an ideal pivot point for an entity resolution system, the time is here to transition from When and Where to Who and What –as well as the elusive Why. Eyes On the Earth Geospatial imagery abounds. ThereRead… Read more »

Opening Up the Fiscal Blinds – Data Act Mandates Transparency

Do you know where your money is being spent in the government? Now you will. Legislation mandating detailed reporting on federal spending passed the House Monday and is heading for President Obama’s signature. The Digital Accountability and Transparency Act —also called the DATA Act —would expand agency transparency requirements to include spending data for allRead… Read more »

Implementing the DATA Act: Encouraging Signs

President Obama has said he will sign new legislation that will have far-reaching effects on federal agencies and hundreds of thousands of recipient of federal funds – grantees, contractors, universities, non-profits, states, and localities. The new law gives agencies three years to implement a set of new reporting requirements to track federal spending, but itRead… Read more »

5 Steps to Take Advantage of the Next Natural Resource: Data

By Amy DeWolf Coined “the next natural resource,” big data has endless possibilities to improve government operations, lower costs, reduce waste, fraud and abuse, increase efficiencies, and enable agencies to have a holistic view of citizens. From tax agencies to social programs, government organizations are benefiting from looking at their data, all of their data,Read… Read more »

Open Data for our Public Lands

Americans have inherited a vast and spectacular landscape. Through the efforts of citizens and governments throughout the 20th century, today Americans are the equal-owners of some 785 million acres of public land. These public lands and trails help us understand the world around us — including our environment, our communities, and ourselves. Across the country,Read… Read more »