Posts Tagged: data

5 Steps to Modernize Your Data Infrastructure in 2014

Time and again, we have seen how data is driving innovation in government. We are creating troves of data, and the key is having a safe, secure and reliable infrastructure to help you unlock insights from your data. Although data holds great promise to transform your agency, a major obstacle faced by many in governmentRead… Read more »

Spreading Holiday Cheer With… Google Spreadsheets?

In the final season of 30 Rock, Liz Lemon finally finds something she can be excited about with her husband: spreadsheets. When her boss hands her an impossible schedule, she dives into the world of extreme organization and suddenly becomes very passionate about it. The show is a comedy and this plot is funny becauseRead… Read more »

Unpacking the “Black Box” of Incident Reporting

Government agencies regularly report “incident” data, such as the number of burglaries, house fires, cases of food poisoning, bankruptcies, workplace injuries, and more. While these data can be used externally for accountability, they can also be used internally to predict and prevent these kinds of incidents. These days, more detailed, near real-time data can beRead… Read more »

Transportation Dept Throws Doors Open on Safety Data Sets

The Transportation Department has opened more than 2,000 data sets to the public as part of efforts to fulfill federal initiatives for open data. Richard McKinney, DOT chief information officer, said Monday that department’s latest move was intended to meet a Nov. 30 deadline for President Barack Obama’s executive order on releasing information to publicRead… Read more »

Can Meat-and-Potatoes “Big Data” Help Detroit?

In “Can Meat-and-Potatoes “Big Data” Help Detroit?” ( I provide some commentary on the “Innovation Economy” meeting in DC yesterday sponsored by the Aspen Institute, the Bipartisan Policy Center, and Intel. From the post: Just as foundations such as Knight and Ford are supporting collaboration among journalistic entities in around Detroit, perhaps there should alsoRead… Read more »

Five practical applications of government big data

2013 may go down as the year of big data and data analytics. But according to a new report by IBM and the Partnership for Public Service, big data has been around since the 1970s. The report titled,From Data to Decisions III – Lessons from Early Analytics Programs, showcases five government cases studies where agenciesRead… Read more »

The Transformative Power of the Internet – Plus Your Weekend Reads

In the 21st century the world runs on the internet. But so very few of us understand the power behind the mouse. In part four of the DorobekINSIDER’s interview with journalist and author Andrew Blum, we look at how these connected networks are transforming the way we live, work and think. It seems to beRead… Read more »

Who really knows how the internet works? Bueller? Part 3

There is a major disconnect that exists right now about the use, state and function of the information highway. Many leading internet policy experts simply don’t understand how the internet works on a physical level. They don’t know how the networks connect, worse yet, they don’t seem to care. That’s one of the reasons thatRead… Read more »

Do You Know What Government’s $80 Billion Problem Is?

Today, your agency is collecting more data than ever before. For many agencies, they are not only challenged by the volume, velocity and variety of data, but also extracting meaningful insights from the information. It’s fair to say that the world has become data-driven. Government agencies are well aware: data will shape the agency ofRead… Read more »