Posts Tagged: data

IJIS Institute Publishes National Data Exchange (N-DEx) Resource

Criminal Justice Information Services Program Advisory Committee compiles essential resources in guide to help industry implement N-DEx Ashburn, VA (October 29, 2013). The IJIS Institute—a nonprofit organization that focuses on mission-critical information sharing for justice, public safety, and homeland security—announces the publishing of the Criminal Justice Information Services Program Advisory Committee’s (CPAC) resource document titledRead… Read more »

NASA: LADEE Probe’s Laser Hits 622 Mbps of Data Speed

An experimental communication system on board a NASA lunar probe has used laser pulses to send data back to Earth at speeds of up to 622 megabits per second. The Lunar Laser Communication Demonstration system also works to transmit data at 20 Mbps between a ground station located in New Mexico and the spacecraft inRead… Read more »

Suggestions for governments stepping into open data

I’ve been completing a survey for the Spatial Industries Business Association (SIBA) related to the Queensland Government’s open data initiative, where one of the questions asked Can you list or describe any learnings that would be useful in Queensland? I’ve provided a number of my thoughts on this topic, having closely observed open data initiativesRead… Read more »

Is the Hype Hurricane Setting the Right Expectations for Employers and Data Scientists?

Recently, I was asked to speak about thoughts on the future of data science and data scientists to a government audience. Not being a data scientist myself, rather carving my niche in the world as a solution architect turned evangelist, I pondered on a number of alternative messages I could share with the audience. QuiteRead… Read more »

NASA and Google Quantum Computing Partnership

Google and NASA recently produced a documentary (6 mins long) around their new quantum computing partnership. I, by no means, am a quantum physicist, but this technology theoretically has the ability to turn “big data” into MASSIVE data with only a fraction of the processing and energy of a standard computer. My biggest takeaway fromRead… Read more »

Passion for Datatelling

Once upon a time, in a far away land…wait, this isn’t some fairy tale about princes and princesses, but rather one where the hero (in this case me) gets to explain why great storytelling is the true art and future of all data analysis projects within government organizations, businesses, and non-profits. As I have saidRead… Read more »

New Data on How to Reach Government Customers

by Allan Rubin, Vice President, Marketing As today’s government shutdown clearly illustrates, it’s hard to get anything done when two parties are so far apart in their beliefs. Could the same communication breakdown be occurring between government marketers and our prospective customers? At some point (hopefully soon), they’ll be back at their desks browsing theRead… Read more »

Coping with the Shutdown: Federal Data

The Federal Government has shut down operations. It’s not the first such event (there were three in 1977 alone), though it does have certain unique characteristics. Leaving the politics aside for the moment, what’s a civic hacker or data journalist to do when most of the government web and FTP presence is unreachable as well?Read… Read more »

What you need to know about the new Defense Health Agency

by Lloyd McCoy Jr., Senior Analyst We are one week away from the largest reorganization of military health in the Defense Department’s history – the formation of the Defense Health Agency (DHA). The new agency promises to be more than just a rearranging of desk chairs as it will change how the Defense Department handlesRead… Read more »

Predictive Analytics: How to Prevent Crimes from Happening

Police departments across the U.S. are piloting crime prevention programs that rely on a smart analysis of historical crime data in neighborhoods across their cities. And they are finding that they can cut burglaries by as much as 27 percent! City police departments across the country are turning traditional police officers into “data detectives.” PoliceRead… Read more »