Posts Tagged: data

Default Open Data – For Real This Time

The White House is ushering a new normal when it comes the federal government’s data. The administration’s new policy and executive order are the forcing functions to make data accessible and open that has been missing over the last decade. The Sunlight Foundation’s policy director John Wonderlich told Chris Dorobek on the DorobekINSIDER program thatRead… Read more »

A History of Federal Data Centers [Infographic]

In one form or another, data centers have been at the core of the federal government’s technology infrastructure for more than 100 years. The government’s interest in computers was sparked years before the first machines were ready for widespread use, and data centers are now vital to most agencies’ daily operations. This infographic originally appearedRead… Read more »

Pres. Issues Executive Order on Open Data – Plus the DorobekINSIDER’s 7 Stories

On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: Becoming an innovator doesn’t happen overnight, you need strong support from your leaders, an ability to take risks and budgetary support. Michigan’s CIO David Behen and CTO Rod Davenport know all about implementing innovation. We tackle how in part two of our discussion. But up front: Open Data. The Obama administrationRead… Read more »

Cook County Government, INXPO, Social Media Team Up for Big Data Week Success

An international digital marketing agency today rated Chicago the 5th most socially connected city during Big Data Week. Bloom Agency UK rated Cook County’s “CHGBigDataWeek” Twitter account the number one social media influencer of the event and “@ToniPreckwinkle” was rated number three in influence. Click here to read the full report During the recent BigRead… Read more »

Avaya TechTalk 010: Next Generation 9-1-1 Now!

By Guy Clinch Now Playing: Avaya TechTalk 010: Next Generation 9-1-1 Now! Listen now! Introduction: How organizations and Government can obtain many of the values of NG9-1-1 today – In this episode of Avaya Tech Talk APNPodcast host Guy Clinch, engages in conversation with Tim Kenyon, President of Conveyant Systems, Inc. and Matt Serra, Sr.Read… Read more »

Exploring Software-Defined Storage for Organizations

In today’s world, government agencies are collecting data like never before. As agencies continue to be challenged to manage the volume, velocity and variety of data, agencies are looking at new ways to unlock the power of data to transform service delivery and find new business efficiencies. This has led to advances in the wayRead… Read more »

Fighting Waste, Fraud and Abuse through Analytics: Case Study from Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS)

As part of GovLoop’s recent report, Unlocking the Power of Government Analytics, I had the opportunity to speak with staff members from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS). CMS staff provided expert insights on the importance of analytics to control waste, fraud and abuse. In 2010, CMS and the Department of Health andRead… Read more »

BlueLightCamp – The Unconference and Hackathon for Emergency Responders

BlueLightCamp– the Unconference for emergency responders and those who work with them – is back for a second year. The Unconference will be on Saturday 27th April, in Manchester, and the Hackathon will be on Sunday. Both events are completely free to attend Full details are on the BlueLightCamp web site, and you can registerRead… Read more »