Posts Tagged: data

#Sandy – Did the 20 Million Plus Tweets Help or Hurt Emergency Managers?

When Superstorm Sandy hit the eastern seaboard earlier this month millions of people took to twitter to show their support, air grievances and ask for help. So with a record 20 million plus tweets alone on the #Sandy, how can emergency managers, the government and people in general do with all this data? Kate StarbirdRead… Read more »

For Campaign Offices Closing Shop, Where Does the Big Data Go?

Now that the 2012 election has come to an end, doors are closing for thousands of temporary campaign offices across the country. As campaigns have continued to collect more detailed and sophisticated voter information, these temporary offices have become more technologically advanced. With offices from national to state and local campaigns all shutting their doors,Read… Read more »

Identifying the Promise of GIS for Government: Crime Reduction

Post Highlights GovLoop releases new report: Identifying the Promise of GIS for Government GIS has enabled significant advances in crime reduction Highlights unique examples of GIS technology use for crime reduction The GovLoop report, Identifying the Promise of GIS for Government, focuses on best practices, case studies and identifies innovative uses of geographic information systemRead… Read more »

A Path to Insights and Improved Decision Making: Predictive Analytics

Post Highlights GovLoop releases report, A Path to Insights and Improved Decision Making: Predictive Analytics Report highlights some of the potential for predictive analytics for the public sector Nathan Greenhut of IBM shares his insights and expertise in the report Today, government is challenged like never before. In an era of budget cuts, increasing demandsRead… Read more »

Was Big Data the Real Election Night Winner? DorobekINSIDER Recaps the Election

Happy Post Election Wednesday! On GovLoop Insights’ DorobekINSIDER: “What you will see in the next term is a fundamentally different President. He now understands the business of government,” said Steve Ryan. So what will those changes be? We get the inside scoop. Click here for the full recap. Ok, let’s get real, you don’t goRead… Read more »

Bridging the Gap Between Academics and Practitioners

Academics don’t always speak the same language as practitioners. But they oftentimes have useful ideas to convey. So how do we bridge the gap between research and practice? I’ve been asked to participate as a “practitioner” on a discussion panel at the upcoming conference of the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management (APPAM) ItRead… Read more »

Identifying the Promise of GIS for Government: Health and Human Services

Post Highlights GovLoop releases new report: Identifying the Promise of GIS for Government GIS offers benefits to those looking to improve social services, public health, and urban renewal GIS helps better understand a problem’s context, make better informed decisions, and to collaborate across agencies in implementing solutions The GovLoop report, Identifying the Promise of GISRead… Read more »

Improving Data Center Fitness

The mandate has been set- consolidate at least 1200 government data centers by the end of 2015. With this, government organizations are tasked with driving data center efficiency, consolidation, and if possible, shifting workloads to the cloud. We know data center consolidation can reduce costs, improve operational efficiency and provide more flexibility across your agency,Read… Read more »

A look at Government Computer News’ Four-part series on Text Analytics

By RyanKamauff Government Computer News has an in-depth examination of how text analytics are being used in the federal government. They examined how NASA is using text analytics for airline safety, how text analytics can “read between the lines” of terabytes of data, using text analytics to identify early signs of bio threats and usingRead… Read more »