Posts Tagged: data

Could Big Data’s need for better energy technologies translate into global energy solutions?

Could Big Data’s need for better energy technologies translate into global energy solutions? It would seem that Silicon Valley’s polished visage is being called into question. The slick technology that pervades our lives belies the Cro-Magnon infrastructure that keeps it running. But as high-tech, data-driven businesses seek to find innovative solutions to this problem, canRead… Read more »

Data Storage and Analysis Survey

By BobGourley The open concept development site is conducting a survey seeking information on Data Storage and Analysis practices in the federal ecosystem. If you are a technologist or executive with insights and lessons learned to share regarding data storage and analysis we would very much appreciate your views. The results of this surveyRead… Read more »

Building an Analytics Culture

Using analytics to make better decisions is taking root in agencies across the government, notes a new report by the Partnership for Public Service and the IBM Center. The report explores how a dozen pioneers did it, and leaders from some of these organizations offer advice on how others can, as well. Investing in, andRead… Read more »

D2D2T vs. Online Server Backup – The Battle of Cost, Complexity, and Capabilities

Why Online Server Backup is Better Than Tape Backup by Nick Mueller, VNM101212 – An epic server backup battle is being waged right now in IT shops at small and medium-sized businesses all over the world. The battle is really just the choice between tapes, disks, D2D2T, and online server backup (which includes manyRead… Read more »

De-mystifying Big Data

Big Data it’s one of those terms that means different things to different people. Some people view big data as an analytical cost saver and some see it as the data equivalent of an episode of Hoarders. For BethAnn Pepoli, CTO for State & Local and Education, EMC, big data means: Big Data is aRead… Read more »

Server Backup Essentials

The 10 Critical Elements of Server Backup Technology Author: Nick Mueller, Local and off-site Backup Combination. It’s a best practice to have a combination of local and off-site backup. Typically you want to keep large files, like databases and system state file backups on-site. This enables a quick recovery of the latest version ofRead… Read more »

Open Government: All Good, or Metal Plates in Your Head?

On July 26, 2012, the Center for Technology in Government (CTG) at the University of Albany / SUNY issued a press release announcing, in cooperation with SAP, an open government thought leadership program. I recently attended CTG’s workshop on this topic, along with 25 colleagues from government and academia, and we’re excited about the upcomingRead… Read more »

IBM Report Highlights the Power of Predictive Analytics

This morning I read an important guide by IBM, Making Critical Connections: Predictive Analytics in Government, Improve Strategic and tactical decision-making. The guide highlights the benefits of predictive analytics in government and shows how data can provide insight and guide decision making for government agencies. I’d encourage you to take a look at the report,Read… Read more »

New female protective gear prototype

New female protective gear prototype, from the Washington DC Military Technology Examiner If you have ever had an opportunity to wear protective gear for military combat, you have a good idea just how much body protection in combat can actually conflict with the capability to defend and protect. The average soldier wears between 50 andRead… Read more »