Posts Tagged: data

Senior Data Scientist Speaks to Open Data Movement

The Open Government Initiative ushered in many new projects geared toward making government information more accessible to the public. With, many government datasets were made easily accessible to the public. Ideally, access to this information would promote citizen innovation as datasets were utilized by the public singularly, or as mash-ups, to create valuable applications.Read… Read more »

Open Government Data Conference: Research Should Drive All Open Data Initiatives

Monica Mayk Parham, Marketing Director, Market Connections, Inc. I’ve been attending the International Open Government Data Conference, sponsored by at the World Bank this week. We’ve seen quite a few advanced uses of open data in both domestic and international contexts. Kenya shared their open data initiative, which has steadily gained interest since itsRead… Read more »

Securing SaaS: U.S. Government Weighs In On Security Controls

Taking the plunge into the cloud is generally a good idea for companies that are coming out of 20th century hibernation, where paper-based processes were the norm. Now, better alternatives exist, but the transition from older methods to new cloud-based services takes careful planning, something that can be made far easier if you’re working withRead… Read more »

Webinar: Unify Data Silos with MarkLogic

Unifying the View Across Data Silos … Easily! In this 60-minute webinar, the nation’s leading Health Information Exchange (HIE) provider, ICA, and MarkLogic will discuss how to bridge existing silos without “ripping out and replacing”. Companies today still try to end these silos with a rigid, lengthy approach, involving costly remapping and transformation into aRead… Read more »

Storm’s Impact On Amazon Data Center Renews Cloud Concerns

This post was originally published in AOL Gov. To read the entire article by Wyatt Kash, click here. Federal agencies and regional data center operators, including one operated by Amazon Web Services, are still taking stock of the impact of widespread power outages that began Friday night and continue to leave large swaths of greaterRead… Read more »

How can UK Local Government achieve Digital by Default?

Two of the biggest challenges facing government IT policy is how best to tap into the potential of open data and how to make digital by default a core goal. mySocity’s director Tom Steinberg hosted a session at LGA Conference 2012 outlining how local government should respond to these two issues and enable the sectorRead… Read more »

It’s Census (data) day!

Today at 11:30am the ABS releases the first tranche of the 2011 Census’s data – including the core demographics. How is this Gov 2.0 related? There’s a number of ways. First, this is the first time the majority of Census data will be released, from day one, under a Creative Commons license as open dataRead… Read more »