Posts Tagged: data

Digital helps Government reduce costs… really?

I find myself thinking about Government’s desire to reduce costs by ‘going digital.’ It’s as though the very notion of something being online instantly results in reduced effort and cost and provides a useful and usable service to Citizens. In recent years, Government has seen digital as a means of reducing ‘avoidable contact’ – thatRead… Read more »

Yes We Can (Compare Apples to Oranges)!

Six months ago — in internet-time, “the Late Pleistocene” back when Google Wave roamed the Earth — people were decrying the immature state of Gov 2.0. In mid-March, Matt Rosenberg wrote an article for Social Capital Review responding to a post by Mark Drapeau that called for apps based on government data that had actualRead… Read more »

100 social examples in local gov

I’m lucky to have a job where I get to celebrate the success of others in local government, I work for Local Government Improvement and Development (formerly the IDeA). But that means that I’m often called on for examples of successful implementation of whatever it is I’m working on now. (performance management, partnerships, customer insightRead… Read more »

LandWarNet – Military and Government Technology

I recently spent a week in beautiful Tampa, Florida for the U.S. Army’s premier information technology conference and showcase – the Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association’s (AFCEA) LandWarNet. The show floor was buzzing this year, with more than 9,000 government and industry attendees and more than 300 exhibits. I caught up with Becky Nolan,Read… Read more »

State of Victoria (Australia) launches Gov 2.0 Action Plan

A new Government 2.0 Plan has been released for the Victorian Public Sector (VPS). Endorsed by Departmental Secretaries and the Chief Commissioner of Police, the Plan provides a whole of VPS approach to using Web 2.0 tools such as wikis, blogs and social media to engage with citizens, develop policy and deliver services. The PlanRead… Read more »

NOAA Releases the “State of the Climate Report” for 2009

The weather sure has been hot lately. Want to get a good picture of the weather over the past year? Then get NOAA’s National Climate Data Center recently published report on the weather and climate occurring around the world in 2009. Because weather fascinates many of us and is experienced by all of us, theRead… Read more »

Are the Next Generation of Government Executives more Comfortable with Complexity?

As government leaders do you believe the world is getting more complex? More volatile? If so, you’re not alone – – Sixty percent of the CEOs surveyed by IBM in our 2010 CEO Study thought the world was getting more complex, and even more, 69%, felt the world was getting more volatile. For the firstRead… Read more »

Business Intelligence software recommendations and horror stories?

I work on a data warehouse and my city’s main anti-poverty agency. The data warehouse has been around since 2000. We have roughly 150 users across the agency writing their own ad hoc queries each month, many of them using Oracle Discoverer. (We also have about 250 other users running canned reports each month, butRead… Read more »