Posts Tagged: data

Gov 2.0 – making sense of complex data sets in order to use them

Hi, everyone, Before coming to government, I served as a college financial aid director. After moving to DC, I spent eight years surrounded by large financial aid data sets, doing risk analysis and providing decision support based on the myriad records that colleges had submitted to the Department in order to administer aid to theirRead… Read more »

Do You See Spiders? Making Government Data Truly Open

In addition to publishing downloadable data and open interfaces, government needs to learn from successful commercial websites and bring their “Deep Web” data to the surface. I have posted some thoughts on this on my personal blog: Do You See Spiders? Making Government Data Truly Open I’d appreciate feedback, either here or in my blogRead… Read more »

Something in the Air

Open data open government – maybe it is a viral infection from the PDF09 conference, or maybe it’s an idea who’s time has come, but it seems you can’t move in cyberspace without bumping into it: Open Up Government Data – Wired How-To Wiki : Open Government for New Zealand It Is Time ToRead… Read more »

Open Government Dialogue Approval Matrix

This post originally appeared in my blog We the Goverati I recently posted an idea on the Open Government Dialogue under the Public-Private Partnerships section on Creating Accountability for Non-Profit organizationsreceiving government funding. At this point my idea has a positive score of 20. I was pleased with the process, happy to have been ableRead… Read more »

Green IT Best Practices

This newsletter focuses on Green IT and the growing awareness that governments, businesses, and nongovernmental organizations need to better manage their use of technology in an environmentally responsible manner. As large purchasers of electronic products and services, they have an opportunity, and a responsibility, to provide leadership through environmentally sound practices and cost-effective, life-cycle managementRead… Read more »

On April 15th, think of TurboTax as model for local government’s reports (& federal reporting in general

This ran yesterday in TechPresident. Since then I’ve gotten a number of favorable responses, including several that suggested the government should actually consider having Intuit design the site. As I thought more about it, it seems to me that this approach — of a process in which muncipalities and states wouldn’t have to make anyRead… Read more »

examples of how real-time access to structured data can improve agency performance and collaboration?

Vivek Kundra, the DC CTO, and I are writing, a book Democratizing Data, (i.e. “Democratizing data makes it automatically available to those who need it when and where they need it based on their roles and responsibilities, in forms they can use, and with the freedom to use it as they choose — while simultaneouslyRead… Read more »